Sending them away, and part of Y/N's secret life.

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The children put the Reprehensible Travel Agency onto a hook and crank, moving it into the room their Parent's are in. Mother makes a sweater for one of the bird decorations and Father makes something like a ship in a bottle, only with an image of him and Mother in front of a fireplace.

"Ah. Exquisite." Father smiles.

The brochure lowers onto the table, and the parents scream like girls. Only when girls scream it sounds normal. They suddenly stop screaming when Mother speaks.


Father replies, "Yes, poopsie."(HELP ME! The pet names were bearable the first time I watched it, but having to write them makes me cringe so much my fingers cringe!)

Mother asks, "What is it?"

Father, for lack of a better word, Worms towards the brochure, then terrified, picks it up, as if it's about to explode in his hands. It unfolds, and he hums in thought.

"What does it say, Fatherkins?" Mother asks.

Father answers, "'See the world'."

Mother asks, "See the world?"

"'Have adventures'."

Mother sing-songs, "I'd loooove..." She knocks the bird into the fire, turning the fire green momentarily, "To have an-" She knocks Father's picture in the bottle into the fire, "Adventuuuurrrrrreeee!"

Father smirks, "You know what else, Mother?"

Mother asks, "What, Father?"

Father smirks, "No children allowed!" then does this strange chuckle that sounds like a seal, if it weren't so insulting to seals.

"I would love that." Mother giggles.

Father gets closer to Mother and smiles, "Do the hula, my love." He then does the disgusting purring, then continues, "You make me spin whirlybird style."

Mother then gasps, slapping Father.

"No. Stop. Wait." Mother frowns, "If we leave these children here alone, they'll ruin everything."

Father frowns, disappointed, then gets a devious idea.

"What if we didn't leave them here alone? Huh? We could get them... a nanny." Father smirks.

Mother asks, "But aren't good nannies expensive?"

Father replies, "Yes, mother! So we'll hire a not good nanny! For cheap!"

"To adventure. Are they gullible or what? I mean, I never thought they'd fall for it. Did you?"


Y/N shrugs, "They fell for it. Now, time for bed. We'll watch them leave in the morning."

Barnaby's smile, "Thanks, Y/N."
"Of course, Y/N."

Tim smiles evilly.

"Tim... Bedtime." Y/N frowns.

Tim nods, "Of course. Goodnight, siblings."

Y/N smiles as she turns the light off. She then sneaks out of the house, no one noticing.

"Oh, Y/N's leaving. Oh, don't worry, humans. She's fine. She does this all the time. How do you think she's survived so long?"

Y/N climbs over the fence via the trees. She then runs a few miles downtown. She takes many turns, left, right, she even climbs up buildings. Y/N walks into a Coffee shop, orders a coffee, then leaves with the coffee, leaving some cash on the counter. She climbs up a building, then jumps from rooftop to rooftop to find the place she's looking for. An alleyway with a whole bunch of people in it. She slides down the pipe quietly.

"She leaves at night regularly. I'm the only one that knows about it. Oh, and those guys. But they don't know what's really goin' on in her life."

"Where do you think that kid is? It's already eight!" One particularly buff guy comments.

A girl with purple and blue streaks in her hair frowns, "Calm down. She'll be here. If she's not, don't worry too much."

Y/N rolls her eyes. These guys have been in suspense long enough.

She smirks, "Speak of the devil and she shall appear."

Everyone whips around to see the teenager, sipping her cup of coffee.

"Took you long enough, Pink hair. What's on the agenda tonight?" The buff guy asks with an attitude.

"I don't like your tone of voice, Danger Danny. Now, what we have on the agenda is a kid. I found her earlier and told her to go to Guitar Garry. I want you guys to take good care of her, give her good morals, and teach her to defend herself while I'm taking care of my other family." Y/N answers.

The girl asks, "You've got a thing for orphans, don't you?"

Y/N turns and asks, "Would you prefer them to be sent to Orphan Services, Brilliant Bindi?"

Brilliant Bindi's eyes widen, then she shakes her head, "No one should be given to Orphan Services. I suffered two years of my life with them. Sure, the families they give you to mean well, but they're mostly crap, except for that hippy house."

Y/N smiles, "Good. Now, I actually encountered two orphans today, but one was a baby and my siblings got her a home."

"Wild Willoughby! There ya are! I've been looking all over for ya!" A familiar voice smiles.

Y/N turns and smiles, "Garry... Did you get Emma?"

Emma peaks out from behind Garry with a big smile. Y/N kneels down, and Emma runs into the teen.

"There you are. Let me introduce you to my home away from home, Emma. The girl with blue and purple hair is Brilliant Bindi. The tank is Danger Danny. You'll meet the others later. We all have titles before our names. I'm Wild Willoughby, or Wildcard Willoughby. It depends on the circumstance. You wanna become part of the pack, you get your own name. We're... I guess you could say a gang, but we don't hurt people who don't deserve it... Right, Danny?" Y/N frowns.

Danny pales and nods, "Of course, Willoughby."

Emma tilts her head, confused.

Y/N clarifies, "Before he joined, he was a brute. He still longs for fights, which is why we call him Danger Danny. Belinda was originally gonna be called Biglot Bindi because she can speak multiple languages. But she has more talents, so we settled with Brilliant Bindi. I'm Wild Willoughby because I'm unpredictable. Garry is called Guitar Garry because he's always got a guitar with him."

Guitar Garry raises his hand, causing Y/N to turn to him with an unimpressed voice, "This isn't a school classroom Garry, what do you have to say?"

"I'm leaving." Guitar Garry announces.

Y/N gasps, dropping her coffee cup, spilling the little amount of Coffee all over the ground. Her e/c eyes widening, and tears pricking the edges, colour draining from her face.

"You're... Leaving? When?" Y/N asks.

Garry answers, "My plane leaves day after tomorrow. I'm going on a trip. I won't be back for ages."

Y/N nods, "Then let's give you a proper goodbye. Guys, call the others. I'm going to spend some time with m- Garry before he leaves. I won't have a chance before he goes to see him again. The rest can give him a proper sendoff tomorrow night. Take care of Emma for me. Danny, keep her away from your spot. I don't want anyone missing any fingers."

Bindi nods as she picks up the dark-haired kid.

"Come with me, kiddo. We're gonna make some changes to your hair, and get you a title." Brilliant Bindi smiles.


Y/N gives Garry a paper flower.

"It'll last longer than any other flowers, and it's to remember me by. I won't be able to see you off, so I'm giving you this now." Y/N smiles.

Garry hugs Y/N and smiles, "Thanks kid. You know, you should tell the others about your family."

Y/N retorts, "They are my family. Just as much as Tim, Jane, and the Barnabys are. More than my parents are. You took the place my father was supposed to, Garry. I look at other families and see happy kids, with parents feeding them, caring for them, playing with them... just... being there for them..."

Y/N stops and frowns. She feels tears at her eyes and quickly wipes them away.

"You did that better than my Father does, Garry. You gave me the care neither of my parents would. I sneak out every night just to see you and feel a little... a little of this! I love my siblings, but this feels different. Thank you, Garry. I'll miss you so much." Y/N hugs Garry, and feels her eyes getting watery again.

"You're welcome, kid. Go on home. You're other family needs you. I'll take the attack on the bad gangs tonight." Garry smiles.

Y/N nods, "Goodbye... for now."

Y/N runs towards home, only to stop and climb up a building to the roof, where she lets out all her tears.

"Yeah, I told you it wasn't a happy story. Turns out, Y/N has it different from her siblings. What? You haven't been listening? She joined a gang, the gang is her family, and her father figure's leaving. She's been through a lot, yeah. I know Narrators aren't supposed to interfere, but she needs some assurance."

Y/N hugs her knees, her body shaking through the sobs. Cat walks towards her and meows, gaining her attention.

"Where'd you come from, Cat?" Y/N asks.

She picks up the cat, hugging him, and stroking him.

"Thanks, Cat. I'm sorry I broke down in front of you. Garry's going on a trip." Y/N smiles sadly. Cat meows. "He's gonna come back... Right? He's my best friend..."

Y/N sobs into Cat's fur.


After the fiasco, the girl goes home, her tears dried. Y/N climbs the house walls with expert ability learned from so many sneakouts. She sneaks into her room, wiping her face clean. She quickly changes into some cleaner clothes. She pulls her hair back as she washes her face. She then sneaks into her room where her siblings are sleeping. She climbs into her hammock and falls asleep.


In the morning, Mother and Father pack their bags and stand outside the house, getting everything they can into the taxi. The taxi driver looks annoyed at the two idiots.

"Oh, you are my muse, flipsy-poop. Mmm." Father purrs.

The driver sighs, "Now that's gonna be a fun ride."

The driver gets in the car and Mother smiles, "Go on, pick me up. Put me in sideways!"

Father picks her up with some odd difficulty, I mean, how heavy is this twig with a head?

Father smiles, "Oh, mother's been friends with her fork." (WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?!)

"Well that was easy."

Father laughs, "To adventure!" Sticking his head out the window, annoying the driver.

"Everyone got what they wanted. You know, except Y/N. All good."

As the car drives away, the kids smile from inside the house.

"Told you this would work out."

Jane asks, "They're gone? We did it."

The Barnabys smile, "We..."

The children cheer as they do the strangest things. They slide down the stairs rail, although when Tim does it, he gets hurt because he doesn't know how to do it right. The Barnabys jump on their parents chairs. Jane dances on the table, kicking glass into the furnace.(Yeah, you know how it goes. I'm not describing all this craziness. Let's just say Y/N was watching from the side.)

Tim takes a break from all the craziness and sits down, then looks up to see a picture of his idiotic parents. He smirks as he gets an idea.


He throws the picture of his parents in the coal bin.

"You are punished!" Tim smirks.

He chuckles psychotically as he closes the door.


Y/N walks into the kitchen to see if she can prepare anything for her siblings she knows will be hungry. Living on the streets for half a day every day for years gives you some insight on how to do things. She then hears something from the dining room. She peaks out and sees Tim setting the table, horribly.

"Yeah, I think I'll just prepare some oats. I have no clue what he's doing." Y/N mutters.

She quickly prepares some oats when she feels her siblings confusion. She quickly walks into the dining room to see a strange sight. Tim has brought Jane and the Barnabys into the dining room, thrown a painting of a fire into the fire, and Tim is wearing a moustache.

"Do I wanna know?" She asks Jane.

Jane shrugs. Suddenly, there's a crashing noise from the Kitchen as Tim brings out a giant platter.

"Dinner is served. A proper meal for a proper family." Tim smiles with an odd accent as he lifts the lid off the platter to reveal a lobster. "Delicious lobster on a bed of coal! Ta-da!"

Jane asks, "Tim, is that from the wall?"

Barnabys agree with Jane, "Old lobster."
"Really old."

Y/N's face scrunches up in disgust as she agrees, "Tim... that's... that's practically a fossil. The coal is cold, the lobster's cold, and it's so old it should be coal."

Tim says in the annoying accent, "Old food is the best food." as he continues trying to cut the lobster.

"DUCK!" Y/N exclaims, pulling the Barnabys underneath the table as the lobster explodes.

Tim's face is covered in lobster remains, and some made it to the wall. Y/N raises her eyebrows at Tim in disbelief as the mustache disintegrates.

"I'm going." Jane frowns.

Tim asks, confused, "You're skipping the cheese plate? Charcuterie mouse!"

Y/N stares in disgust as he lifts the "cheese plate" to show a dead mouse with cheese on it's tongue that's so old the cheese is growing it's own mushrooms.

"This is getting weird." One Barnaby whispers.
"I pass."

"I'll eat it!"

Y/N walks into the kitchen to continue cooking, droning out her siblings arguing. If she knows her siblings, Jane's going to try and go to Ruth's while Tim's going to stop her. Plenty of time.

"HELLO!" A familiar voice rings through the house.

Y/N's face drains of colour as she peaks out of the kitchen to see a very familiar face.

"What is Linda doing here?" Y/N whispers.

A/N: I got a few comments saying to update, and I gotta say, I'm impressed so many people love my work. I mean, it's not even that good! But I thank you.

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