Meeting the parents (My kids sides)

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Wanda Weasal 

- Welp. Let's pray this goes well

- You thought Wanda was terrifying but this guy...the big man himself...Willy Weasel himself was sitting across you, glaring at you and sipping coffee 

- Willy was not amused. He was happy for his kid but seriously Wanda. This twig? Not someone who could at least look like they know what they are doing 

- What are you studying in school? Willy will ask as he glares at you 

- You say your major and he nods

- Wanda nervous. She wants to stay with you but she also wants her dad's approval

- After a little while you start to talk about him and your similarities and differences. You talk lot about some major stuff and memes

- Willy is cold and keeps his glaring 

- It like that for a hour. Everything tense and scary before Willy cracks a smile and welcomes you in the family. 

- Both of ya are happy and Wanda thanks her dad but hugs his neck cause yes

- You both leave and Willy smiles, already knowing how to season your body properly 

Belleza and Fernando 

- It doesn't matter what gender! He will threatened you if you date his kids

- It even worse when you date his daughter 

- He will be having dinner with his kids and you, glaring you down with suspicion and cruelty

- Fernando and Belleza will defend you if he goes to far

- He will casually make off hand comments on types of knives and how they can be used

- If you mention interest in his culture or a knowledge in death. He will become somewhat intrigued 

- It could go so smoothly. If only you didn't reach for the salt when Belleza ask her Daddy to pass the salt

- Everyone had to hold Tito back as he lunged at you, literally screaming how he gonna cut your gentiles out or off 

- The next visit is more calm. He does apologies for last time but wants to know all Sexual medical history. He doesn't want his kids contracting STDS. 

- Overall decent but don't screw up or you might be dinner

Gaia Gorilla 

- They ain't bright.

- Gus will glare daggers at you but soon, he will hug you like a dad

- He trust Gaia judgment and if she loves ya she loves ya!

Adam Lanquiz 

- Oh she will study you 

- She wants the best for her son and won't let any rat hurt him

- She will listen for any lying tone, words, anything bad

- Adam will break the ice first 

- She will stalk you something after alone to see if you are two faced

- After seeing you be a gernally good person. She will accept you 

- She hopes you can make him happy

Fern Siren

- Oh Sara not gonna like you 

- She naturally friendly (as friendly a killer can get)

- She knows Fern exes and they hated her disfigurement 

- She will treat you like a customer but one wrong move you dead

- Fern is eating a rock in the distance 

- Sara seeing you love Fern for who she is and actually sympathize with her not even pity her but treat her like a human being 

- She will accept you and and you will have tea time together 

- She hopes you can be a positive influence in Fern life

Samuel Henry 

- He quiet, just staring at you the entire time

- You make small jokes and tell stories and he responds by either nodding or sipping his tea

- Sam will be calm but internally he freaking out

- After the meeting done, Knighty will stand up, get his sword, tap your shoulders with it and walk away

- You will be confused and ask Sam who replies with joy

- "Welcome to the family!"

Jolie Zinq

- Arty would have been painting while you were talking 

- You be worried but know to keep calm for Jolie who sweating 

- Arty would narrow his eyes at you secretly but seeing you aren't hurting Jolie he smiles

- "Welcome to the family now go eat dinner"

- He would chuckle when Jolie hugs him and take you to the dinning room

- She just happy her father doesn't hate you 

Octavia Anki

- Oh god

- The most protective father there is

- He will actually look like a demon as he glared down at you, even Willy scared

- He will speak in the most cruel threatening tone that if Octavia ever hurt you will get hurt

- One wrong word and he almost kicks you out and forbid Octavia from ever interacting with you 

- He may seem overbearing but he just doesn't want Octavia to get hurt. It bad enough from her mother and the town. He doesn't want her abused by a lover of her

- Halfway through his speech though he will see Octavia looking scared and feeling guilty he will let you go

- He will apologize but say you must earn his trust

- He Stalking you even in the bedroom and will happily let you in once he decided that you were good for Octavia 

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