You two start dating

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Wanda Weasal 

You were in the music hall, about to start a instrument when you saw a tape recorder. You curiously pressed play and it started. "Hey Y/n. It okay if you say no but do you wanna go to a dinner with just you and me?" You blushed but smiled as you noticed a familiar presence in the room. "How about a yes?" You said and turned towards the bright red girl Weasal.

Gaia Gorilla 

You two were running a mile when she sped past you and a note flew out. You stopped, grabbed it and was about to shout when you read it. 'Wanna go to chilis?' It said. You smiled and shouted. "Yes!" Gaia froze and fell in the sand pit. You laughed at her.

Belleza Tortuga 

She was trying on a new dress and showing you in her private dressing room. She smirked and shined when you complemented her. She smiled and twirled to you, her dress changing from blue to a black with white words that read. 'Wanna go on a date with me?' She grinned and mentioned to your shirt she made you. You shrugged and was beat read. You noticed two tags. One that said yes and no. You started to laugh and pulled the yes tag, watching as the shirt slowly turned from white to your f/c. You were more red and even more so when she went over and kissed your cheek.

Fernando Tortuga 

You and Fernando were cooking something, he kept adding stuff and soon you two put it in the oven. Fernando was nervous and more fidgeting but as soon as the treat was done. He pulled it out with no gloves and set it on the stove. "Fernando!" You said, surprised as you immediately rushed to tend to his wounds. He was shyly chuckling as you were scolding him but you soon saw the words carved on the treat. '¿Saldrías conmigo?' (Will you go out with me?). You blushed and looked at Fernando. "As long as you grab stuff with mittens next time." You scolded and he nodded. "Then Si." You chuckled.

Angico Teuer 

You and Angico were gossiping about other people. He chuckled as he started to sip some tea. He laughed when you told a joke but grinned. "Hey Y/N. Do you wanna...Go out somewhere?" He asked, sounds bit nervous. You looked shocked but nodded. "Of course!" She said. He smiled and patted your cheek

Jolie Teuer 

She was more silent then ever, not even doing hand languages and kept herself more quiet. This worried you and slowly got more confused. She was in the art room more often and slowly came out. You saw her and tried to get to her but she saw you and ran away. You went in the room and looked around only to see her painting. You went to it and took a closer look. It was blank and you were confused until Jolie came back with a bucket of water and splashed it on the canvas. It slowly morphed to lavandar words that wrote. 'Wanna see the stars tonight?" She looked at you shyly and you laughed. "Yes. Jolie I will." You chuckled. She smiled and used sign language. 'Sorry of avoiding you...I was nervous.'

Sam Sisan Siren

He basically was doing basketball with you and just told you straight out. You said yes

Fern Sisan Siren

She basically put gasoline on the rock ground and lit the words 'Would you date me?' On fire.


This baby girl made her own Manga and put the words. "Would you be mine?" She wrote but left the other pages blank. In one of the speech bubbles you wrote. 'Yes.'

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