Whispers of death part 1: the Mourning before shadows

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3rd person pov

Since the news of Y/n and Lloyd's deaths reached the students many were heart broken by this fact. Among them who were hurt the most was the Ninja themselves along with their masters Garmadon and Wu. Many remained unaware of their fellow students and teachers own betrayal. However Verse were not the only ones to be effected as Karai began to make a move against Verse. In turn a war began that no one could stop her from waging. Wu sat down drinking his Tea as he sighed in sorrow.

Wu: I'm so sorry Y/n and Lloyd. I wish I could have been there for you two when you needed me. I have failed as your Sensei..

Nya  who was on the other side of the door began to run of with tears in her eyes.

Nya:(Mind)Why did they both have to die?! W-Who would do such a monstrous thing to them of all people?!

As Nya cried her eyes out in her room she was only left with pain. The pain of not telling the one she loves her own feelings. The Ninja sat alone inside their dorm playing video games with  sorrowful faces. When Jay lost Cole chuckled before he spoke sadly.

Cole: If Y/n were here he would've told you how bad you are.

Jay: Yeah and I  would've challenged him to prove it was unfair.

Kai: and knowing Lloyd  he'd sit face the winner.

Zane: They both enjoyed these moments the most.

The four sat in silence before they heard a knock on their door. Kai went to open it only to see two familiar faces staring back.

Kai: Ronin and Skylor?

Ronin: We heard about what happened to your pals . L-Look guys i'm so sorry for what happened to them. If i'm being I actually kind of liked and  respected that Y/n kid.

Skylor: I know you guys must be hurting but please don't deal with this alone. We all need to help each other more than ever.

Kai: Thanks you guys we appreciate it. You wanna join us at Dareth's  place for a bit?  We're deciding on how to memorialize Y/n and Lloyd tonight.

The two nodded at the ninja before they all left. Within the streets of the city Karai and the foot clan attacked Atlas soldiers.  Karai ran towards 3 Soldiers before cutting them down with a heartless glare. Wiping the blood from her sword she stood tall in her new outfit.

Karai: Shinigami I want you level this building no matter what. Take a few of the Foot ninjas with you; I'll be busy out here.

Shinigami: Ok Karai but I have to ask...do you think Y/n would have wanted this? 

Karai:*clenches fist* Why does it matter if he's dead?

Shinigami: I know how much you two cared for each other. I know he wouldn't want you to suffer like this-


???: Please Karai stop this now we beg you.

Karai: Why are you all  here? If you think your going stop me from destroying  Atlas-

Leonardo: No Karai we are here to stop you from destroying yourself. Do you honestly think this will fix what happened?

Karai: He'll be avenged...that;s what matters to me.

Donatello: But at what cost Karai? Even if you destroy every Atlas branch in this city, your still going to war with a global army. Y/n would never want you to throw away your life like this!

Michelangelo: I loved the guy like a big brother and he-

Karai;Stand. aside.now. I won't ask you all again. If I have to die to avenge him then I'll gladly do it.

As the Turtles stood against the broken hearted Karai they clashed in the streets. However elsewhere Y/n is seen inside a old cabin. As Moonlight went through the window it glowed Y/n's face as he held his side.

Y/n: Lloyd i'm so sorry my friend this shouldn't have happened. I swear no one will forget you. I'll show them the Wrath of the True Green Ninja I promise you.

Y/n's head began to ring causing him to hold it with a painful groan.

???: Vengeance shall be yours....

Y/n: What the fuck is going on my head!

???:  Power...your desire is...power....I can give it to you.

Y/n:Who are you show yourself!

Y/n screamed in pain as his head throbbed causing him to fall to the ground. When he did the boy's mind filled with 1 image; then the voice answered.

???: Come and find me.

Y/n:But how am I-

Before Y/n could finish his sentence  he felt something bubbling up inside him. As his eyes glowed with green mist he heard Whispers echoing through his ears.

???: Follow the Whispers.

Left with no other option Y/n  summoned his dragon before following the whispers. As the voices grew louder Y/n soon flew down towards a mountain top. After his Dragon vanished Y/n slowly wondered  inside a cave. His body seemed to go numb due to the whispers. He could only watched as his body moved deeper inside as if by instinct. When he did the Ghost Ninja was swallowed up by souls. When he snapped back he saw  the face of old friend smiling at him.

Y/n: It can't be Bansha?..but you've been dead for 3 years.

Bansha: Hello Y/n it's been too long. ~ I'm glad to see your doing better in that body.

Y/n: What's going on why am I? How did you know?

Bansha;*Shushes*  She's been waiting for you for a long time Y/n. She will explain everything to you.

Y/n hesitantly   chose to move into the glowing room ahead before a woman turned to him.

???: You've found me at last my dear Y/n L/n.

Y/n: Who are you -no...what are you?

Preeminent  I am the Preeminent ;Devour of realms. We have much to talk about.

To be continued

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