The Binding Background

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The bell rang, sounding the last of the school day. I grabbed my bag hurriedly. I didn't want anyone to talk to me. I had never had this problem before. I could just walk home without being stopped. That may sound sad, but I enjoyed it. It was quiet. But as I was walking out the entrance to the school, I was stopped.

"Hey, Eva," two voices spoke in unison. One belonged to Kana. The other... To the boy.

"Who are you?" Kana asked the boy defensively.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said casually. He was hovering slightly. Kana looked down and saw this. She stared at it as if waiting for her eyes to readjust.

"Okay, but seriously, who are you before I freak out," she continued, eyes still locked on his legs.

"That," he said in his flirt voice. "Is a secret."

"Excuse me," I said quietly and tried to walk away.

"No, Eva stay," Kana pleaded. I didn't want to stay. I wanted everything to run like normal. I kept walking, trying my best to ignore her. Suddenly, I felt a gush of wind. When I opened my eyes, the boy was staring me straight in the face. I flinched when I saw him.

"Why do you do that?" he asked. "You think your quiet escape will work on everyone? Well guess what, sunshine, it doesn't work on me."

"I wasn't trying to-! What I'm saying is-!" I couldn't form the words correctly. They swished around in my mouth but it seemed a filter kept some from coming out.

"What you're saying is...?" he asked, a grin forming on his flirtatious face.

"You're impossible!" I yelled and pushed past him. "I'm going home."

"Aw but-!" Kana said, disappointment resounding in her voice.

"Sorry, Kana," I said as I walked away. I was surprised no one decided to follow me, but I felt relieved at the same time. I made my way home, taking all my shortcuts I had found over the years I had gone to this school. The apartment was fairly nearby. I sighed as I grabbed the keys out of my bag. Except I didn't see what was waiting for me. I walked up the steps to my room, still rummaging for my keys. I heard whispering. The voice sounded angry. The voice began to become familiar as I got closer.

I heard someone say, "Shh! You don't have to make such a big deal, besides-" The voices stopped abruptly as I reached the top. But it was too late. I had already seen them.

"How??" Was the only word I could manage.

"S-sorry, Eva!" It was Kana.

"What'd I tell you," the boy said, his voice oozing with victory, like a child who had just been proven right. "Your voice is mega loud."

"You were talking too!" she yelled in frustration.

I still hadn't said a word yet. I could only watch as the two continued to quarreled back and forth. Finally, I could stand no more.

"HUSH!" I yelled. As I did so, a gush of wind blew them almost backwards. They stared blankly at me for a moment. "Come inside if you insist on talking to me."

They nodded, apparently not knowing I had that side to me. I unlocked my door and walked into my apartment. They followed behind. "Just put your shoes near the door," I called back to them. "I'll get some drinks ready. Any requests? I have juice and milk."

"Milk, please," Kana said.

"I'll take some orange juice," was the boy's reply.

We sat down in my room around a small table on the ground. I placed down their drinks and took a deep breath. I didn't know if I would be able to tell them this. It seemed so easy for them to do so, but I was a different story. We all inherit it, I know. We all get it from our parents. But their lives were cut short. They risked everything... for me. I opened my mouth in frustration. I wanted to be able to tell them. I wanted to be able to confide in someone. I couldn't find the strength within me. Until I felt a hand on my back. Kana was smiling warmly at me. You can trust us, she seemed to say.

"I..." I began slowly, forming the words on my tongue before spitting them out. "I want to tell you. Who I am. What I am. You guys have most likely- no I know you know. I... Am the East wind Anatolí. My story is a tragic one. My parents gave birth to me in a faraway forest. We lived in a house carved into a tree. I would take hours out of the day just watching my mother and father. They were a gorgeous couple. My mother looked like a fairy queen. She had wings that reflected the rainbow. My father, though he did not have wings, was very handsome and loved her dearly. They both cared greatly for me, my mother teaching me, and my father seeking out food for us. My mother... She taught me to fly. My wings were much smaller than hers were and didn't shimmer nearly as gorgeously. Sometimes I would just sit with my eyes closed, staring out into the woods, allowing me wings to soak in the sunlight. I didn't know that one day, my whole life would be flipped upside down. If I had, I could have been more prepared for what was to come. One night, the night before my tenth birthday, I was awoken by my parents in a hurry. I woke up to a crackling sound and a bright light all around me. My lungs filled with something and I coughed uncontrollably. Smoke. A forest fire had started and we were right in the middle of it. I allowed my mother to hold me as they rushed down the tree we were in and ran as fast as they could out of the forest. My mother's wings spread wide as soon as we made it out and she put me down.
'Eva,' she had told me. 'I need you to try to fly with me. I can only hold one person and your father cannot fly. Will you try for me?' I nodded, finally taking in the seriousness of the situation. I allowed my wings to spread from my back and gasped a little. They had grown. 'Happy birthday Eva,' my mother managed before she grabbed my father and rose into the air. It was 12:00. The exact time of my birth. I tried with all my might to remember every lesson my mother had taught me. And with that, I took to the skies with my mother and we soared away from my home. We had to stop numerous times because of me. The pressure was exhausting. My parents had told me there was nothing to worry about every time I said I was sorry. When we finally reached where my mother intended, it was 5:00 in the morning. My father held me as I slept and my mother used magic to create an apartment building so she and my father would have somewhere to work. I was to stay in one of the rooms on the second floor. If I had to meet anyone, my mother told me very strictly never to show them my wings. I promised her. But one day, I messed up." Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to continue my story. "I... I forgot to lock the door. And someone walked in. He saw my wings and tried to take me away. My parents heard me screaming and rushed up the stairs. When they saw the man there, they both pried me away from him and he took out a gun. He shot and shot. He was drunk and couldn't aim. But somehow, two of his bullets touched their target. My parents. I screamed and the winds rushed to me. I was the new Anatolí. The wind was under my command. My screaming shoved the man out the door and off the balcony. I cried in a crumpled heap on the ground until the landlady came to me. She was the only one who knew about my mother and I's powers. She hugged me and told me it was alright. Ever since then, she's raised me. I finally told her that I could pay because I felt bad for her giving me everything. So she allowed for me to stay here for free but she said if I wanted her to, she would stop supplying me with food. So now I've been struggling with many jobs and working to get enough money to use for food. I haven't used my wings since that day. I never wanted to. I couldn't bear to use my mother's gift. It hurt too much. It still does."

When I finished, I was crying. I couldn't help it. Kana hugged me close. They knew now. They knew my weakness. They knew why I kept to myself. They knew. They knew.

Yay! I got out of writer's block! This is the fruit of it all! If you're reading this, thanks a lot! It means so much to have people reading my stories so thank you!! Also sorry for publishing and un-publishing back and forth I kept forgetting little things haha ~ :P I love you all my friends! PEACE!

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