Chapter 3: Misty's POV

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I enjoyed science class. Well... duh. The atmosphere is fascinating, and I could tell Skylar enjoyed it, too. The best part is that Caitlyn and Anna sat next to us. We talked for the whole class, but it was about wind and stuff, so Mr. Ventus didn't try to stop us. My second favorite part was learning about the clouds. I love clouds. If I could pick my name, it would be Cloud. Actually, no. That sounds stupid. After Science, we had Math. But only me and Sky. Caitlyn had History, and Anna had English. As you may guess, it was excruciatingly boring. I mean, seriously. 2+2=4, and that's all you need to know in life. Maybe not but honestly what do I care? After math was over, Sky and I went to put our books away. Our lockers were close together, and Caitlyn's was near ours, too. Anna's is farther away. I did my combination and opened my locker. Pulling my backpack out, I shoved my books inside then closed the door. I put my lock back on and walked away to wait for Sky, Anna, and Caitlyn. They met up with me and we walked out of school to our houses. Sky and I live in a foster home. Anna and Caitlyn live with their own parents. Lucky ducks. Anna and Caitlyn went to the library where their parents pick them up. Sky and I said goodbye to them sadly, and walked home, leaving Shady Oak.

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