Chapter 35: Skylar's POV

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We learned some interesting stuff in history. Apparently while normal people had World War I, us Elementals had a fight of our own. All were separated by their powers, and much hate had arisen. They ended the long and dreadful seclusion from each other by founding this school, where worldwide Elementals could come and train together. It was pretty interesting, but being a history nerd, that was kind of expected. After history, we did Arithmetic-ugh-and afterwards Language Arts. School seemed to be over pretty quickly, and best of all, Misty and I had finished all of our homework during study hall. On the way back, I felt as if nothing could damper my dapper mood. Not even Thorn and her gang.
"Hey girls," I said cheerfully, "Sorry about pushing down that one gang member."
"Yeah," Misty appended, "We hope you accept our sincere apologies." Thorn just stood there, looking baffled.
"If you think we won't get you back for that-" She started before I cut her off.
"It's okay if you do. We won't retaliate, as long as you don't get revenge twice." I mistook her angry glare as sadness, and realized this a little too late. She lifted her hand and punched my face, pain searing my cheek. All I could think was, Gosh, she is strong.
"Ow, ow, ow!" I yelped, tears forming in my eyes. My left cheek stung from the impact. Misty turned her back on the gang and began fast walking towards the Health department. Storm, Brooke, and Steam seemed to hear of the commotion pretty quickly, as they showed up a few minutes after I reached the department, Breeze a few minutes after them. The pain was so bad, it was all a blur. I only slightly remember Misty explaining what happened to the head lady, and a few calls being made. A few poultices were applied and numbed the pain. Soon enough, we were walking down the hall to our dormitories. The pain was almost gone by then, and I carried news that lifted my spirits. Thorn had been expelled.

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