Chapter 9: Misty's POV

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The room was better than our old one, to be sure. Instead of a small dome, the whole ceiling was made of glass. The walls were white, like the room we were in. The floor was wooden and felt good on my bare feet. There were two bunk beds. I don't know why two, but I didn't dare ask. We even a kitchen, bathroom, and an extra room. "It's like our own little house," Skylar breathed. "We have everything we need, and a few extra things," I said. Me and Sky walked through every room, seeing what was in them. Skylar walked into the extra, me behind her. "Whoa!" she exclaimed, "we even have a T.V! And a couch!" "I have a feeling this is going to fun," I said. Sky nodded. Just as we were walking out, we heard someone at the door. "Hello?" the voice said. Me and Sky walked over to see a blonde hair girl with light blue eyes. "I'm Brooke," she said, when she saw us. Brooke looked at us. "Wind elementals. I can tell by your room and your gray eyes. Mine are light blue, so I'm a water elemental." Brooke said. She smiled at us and we smiled back. I like her. "Come on," Brooke said. She walked out our door and we walked close behind. "Before we do anything, we need to get your school supplies," she said. Brooke took out a small device and pushed a button. A small scanner appeared in front of us and we jumped back. Brooke giggled and scanned her card. A door opened and we stood in what looked like a giant farmers market. "Come on," Brooke said. We walked into a shop and Brooke grabbed two bags. "Here," she said, handing us the bags,"these have all your supplies." We took them gratefully. We walked out of the shop and started walking back to the door, when something caught my eye. "What's that?" I asked Brooke. "A cloud dragon," she said, "pet for a wind elemental. Each elemental has its own type of pet and other things." Sky and I rushed over to them. "You can get one if you have money," Brooke said. I showed her a twenty dollar bill. "Is this enough?" She nodded. Pretty soon we were both carrying cloud dragons (mine's named Oliver and Sky's is named Waffles) and heading to the dining room with Brooke.

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