Death Speech

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"Come forth, Clovey and Glacia!" Queen Glacier announced.
We both stepped onto the stage, glaring at each other.
Queen Glacier gave a touching speech about our lives before we get sent to death.
Well, one of us dies anyways.
Throughout Glacier's speech, I wanted to claw out her throat so many times. She keeps calling me Clovey. And I just explained to her my name is Clover this morning!
Plus she made my LIFE STORY VERY BORING.
Ugh, sometimes I hate my name. Like what kind of name is Clover. It sounds so RainWingish. My name should be like SnowStorm! Or IceDaggers! Something IceWingish! Something fierce! Likeeeeeeeeeeee TheDestroyerOfTheWorld.
But I'm stuck with the name Clover.

Mother turned around and looked at me, "What happened Clover?! What's up with all those bruises?! Did a NightWing attack you?!"
I shook my head, "No... Just a few IceWings making fun of my name again."
I clawed at my necklace, it's something I often do when I'm irritated or annoyed.
Mother probably knows that, "It's ok my sweet Clover. I'll write a report to Queen Glacier about this."
"Mother. Why must I be called Clover?" I questioned.
Mother gave a small grin, "It's cause your my Clover. My Lucky Clover."
I got really confused, "Mom.. What's a Clover?"
"You'll figure it out once you visit the RainWing Rainforest." Mother teased.
"Ooo! Did you go there before?!" I exclaimed.
Mother smiled,"Yup! For a special mission for the Queen!"
"What's it like?! What's it like?!"
"Well, first of all, there are many colours! So many colours it can make you go blind!"
I giggled, "And?"
"Hmm... There's also a LOT of noises! Oh! And really hot! Well, not as hot as the SandWing Desert but it made 6 of my scales melt!"
"Yeah right Mom! IceWing scales don't melt! I had learn this from my teacher! " I said proudly.
"Ugh, stupid teachers. Did they forget to teach you about RainWing venom?" Mother grumbled.
//End of Flashback//

'Blah blah blah yadda yadda ya' that's all I heard from the Queen's amazing speech.
I'm fairly sure I even saw Glacia roll her eyes a few times.
Then I saw Queen Glacier and Glaica take off and shot up into the air. So I did so too.
I made one last wave to Mom before following the Queen and Glacia to this unknown death arena.
Where one of us dies. And the other one returns.

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