Chapter Three (Part one)

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Eclipse's P.O.V.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wa-" "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I yell at Silverscale, who is being THE MOST ANNOYING DRAGON IN THE HISTORY OF PYRRHIA! "Guess what? We got our Schedules today!" she exclaims. "Really!? Let me see!" I say. Ohhh, I really hope we have a class with Scorch!!! I think.

The morning sun pours through the windows, creating a cheerful setting. The little RainWing from last night is gone, probably having breakfast. I bend over the scroll and start reading.

Emerald Winglet's Schedule

First Period: 6:30-7:00 Winglet talks/meeting with your Winglet in your meeting cave.


Second Period: 7:00-8:00 Mathematics with Jade Winglet, taught by Mr. Seahorse of the SeaWings.


Third Period: 8:00-9:00 Music/Art with the Quartz Winglet, taught by Mrs. Walrus of the IceWings.


Fourth Period: 9:00-10:00 Flight training with the Gold Winglet, taught by Mr. Jasper of the SkyWings.(Outside, by the sunning rocks)


Fifth Period: 10:00-10:30 Battle Tactics and Self Defense with the Silver Winglet, taught by Mr. Sangui of the Skywings.(Outside, by the river)


Sixth Period: 10:30-11:00 Hunting Strategies with the Bronze Winglet, taught by Mrs. Marsh of the MudWings.(Outside, by the food cave)


Seventh Period: 11:00-12:00 Lunch


Eighth Period: 12:00-1:00 Literacy with the Jade Winglet, taught by Mrs. Tapir of the RainWings


Ninth Period: 1:00-2:00 Science with the Quartz Winglet, taught by Mrs. Prickle of the SandWings.


Tenth Period: 2:00-3:00 Social Studies and the Seven Tribes with the Gold Winglet, taught by Mr. Nebula of the NightWings.


End of School Day: 3:00-8:00(Curfew) You can do whatever you want during this time, you must be in bed by curfew. Spending time with your Winglets is strongly recommended, and the Library, Food Cave, Sunning Rocks, and Flight Course are always open. There are free reading scrolls in your rooms, and blank scrolls if you want to do some writing. Other than that, you can just enjoy the school, explore, study for your classes, or do homework. We hope you enjoy Emerald River Academy. Wishing you bright sun and strong winds,

~The school founders

"Huh." I mumble as I study the schedule. "Not bad. Not bad at all." I say. Silverscale nudges me with her tail. "You're only saying that because we have two classes with Scorch, aren't you? He is in the Jade Winglet, right?" she teases. I whack her with my wing and roll my eyes. She falls over, holding her stomach and laughing.

She gets up and bends over my shoulder to read the schedule. Hmm...well, we have two classes with Slush, so that's good...... her mind muses. "Oooo, who's Slush?" I needle. She looks up, alarmed. "Hey! I thought you said you wouldn't read my mind any more!" she whines. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist," I reply.

She puts a fake, playful glare on her face and looks away, crossing her arms. She sticks out her bottom lip and pretends to look hurt. "Wow, Eclipse, I feel seriously betrayed right now!" she jokes, not looking betrayed at all. I realize she is balancing on her two back legs, and I smirk. I reach out a talon and poke her in the back, overbalancing her. She falls flat on her face, and her forked tongue lolls out. "Blah." she says, pretending to be dead.

"You've killed me!" she exclaims when I don't respond. "Oh, no! Some friend I am, huh?" I say as I play along. "Exactly! Show some sympathy here!" she replies, pleased to have gotten a reaction, even if it was a sarcastic one. "'re not mad at me any more?" I slide in, taking advantage of the opportunity to ask the question that has been bugging me ever since she stormed off last night.

"Of course I am mad at you! You killed me! My ghost will now haunt you forevermore!" she says, thinking I was talking about her 'death'. "No! I mean from last night!" I correct. She gets up, suddenly serious. "Well...I think what you did was wrong," she starts off slowly, carefully considering her words. "But I am not one to hold grudges, and besides, you're my best friend! I can't stay mad at you forever! So, no, I am not mad at you anymore." she concludes.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Silverscale is the first real friend I have ever had, except for Scorch. "Thank you!" I say, throwing my wings around her and hugging her tight.

"Well, we had better go meet the rest of the winglet." I say.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you liked it anyway!

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