Chapter Two (Part Three)

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There is a large, crystal-clear pond in the middle of the cavern, and all around it are beautiful, emerald-green fern fronds, seemingly glowing in the calm moonlight that is slowly filtering in through a large hole in the ceiling just above the pond, big enough for five dragons to fly through it side-by-side. Little streams trickle away from the pond, but the pond never seems to lose any water, leading me to believe that the pond is really a spring.

Large, towering stalagmites line the cave, and behind the pond is an ancient, towering willow, with long, soft hanging leaves that reach down to lightly brush the water. "Wait, why are you gasping?" I ask Scorch, "You're the one that led us here!" "I said my brother told me about it, not that I ever got to see it." he replies.

"So, let's start the game, and I'll start, so, Eclipse, truth or dare?" Scorch asks.

"I'm going to start it off exciting, sooooooo......DARE!" Eclipse says enthusiastically.

"Well, I want you to jump into the lake," Scorch says matter of factly.

Eclipse runs at the lake, spreading her wings and talons almost like a cannonball. Eclipse lifts off and hovers over the lake for a second, the with a loud SNAP, her wings shoot to her sides and she plummets into the lake. "WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!" she yells, letting me see yet another side of her, the thrill-loving side. Her words are drowned out by the wave of water that sprays out from the lake, drenching all who had been stupid enough to sit close to the lake. Which is everyone. She stays under for a while, long enough for Scorch to start worrying and ask "Do you think she's okay? Maybe I shouldn't have sent her into the lake. What if the impact from the fall hurt her? What if-"

"Oh, quit worrying, with the amount of studying you were doing of her, surely you would have noticed that she has gills?" I ask as I roll my eyes. I can practically see the blood rushing to his head and heating up his face, even if his thick scales don't let it show. I decide to put an end to this game Eclipse is playing.

"Well then, Eclipse, why don't you come out now and stop giving us a heart attack?" I ask as loudly as I can. I see bubbles from the bottom of the lake move up to the surface until they eventually pop, but no Eclipse. " I guess that's a no! Well, okay then, come on, Scorch let's go," Eclipse bursts out of the water very gracefully, flopping around like a beautiful overgrown fish and shouts "NO!" as she drags herself back onto land. She sees my smirk and realizes it is all a game. "Ooo, you've got it coming," she says as her eyes narrow to little slits, "Let's not forget we are playing the game of revenge." she adds.

"It's on!" I shout, startling Scorch who then fell into the lake.

"Come on it's your turn, Eclipse!" I say. "Oh, reeeeally?" she asks, rubbing her talons together deviously and pretending to think. "Now, whom shall I pick? Hmmmmm, such a difficult decision.....I think I'll pick....hmmm....SILVERSCALE!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, camel dung," I mutter as Eclipse and Scorch stare me down.

" Truth or DARRRRRE?" She roars, and I nearly fall over by the volume of her voice.

"Hmmmmmmmm, Dare," I say as if she is asking the meaning of life.

" WELL, I dare you toooooo, go up to a random sleeping cave, wake up a random male dragon, and tell him you love him! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" she says evilly.

"IT'S ON!" I say as I bolt out of the cave and I make my way out to the nearest sleeping cave trying to find a dragon to wake up, well aware that Eclipse and Scorch are following me.

I find my way into a sleeping cave with 3 sleeping dragons, I make my selection and he is a NightWing/SandWing. I nudge him a couple of times before giving up, digging my claws into his shoulders, and shaking him. He jumps to his feet, scowling and almost shooting fire in Scorch's face but misses by an inch or two.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" He screams at me. I shush him, gesturing at the other dragons in his sleeping cave to make sure he doesn't wake them up. I take a deep breath. I start. "Listen, whatever your name is," "Obsidian" he interrupts, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, Obsidian, I have something important to tell you." I bunch up my muscles, preparing to run out of the cave as fast as I can, "ILOVEYOU" I say quickly before bolting out of the sleeping cave and running down to the dead end, and start to frantically scratching at the wall. I can hear Obsidian's angry claw steps coming closer and closer as he follows me. Yes! I think as my claws get caught on what feels like a latch, hidden in a little crack in the wall, and I pull downwards with my claws. The passage opens with a loud cry, and I rush in, closing the door behind me.

"Phew," I sigh as I try to catch my breath. That was close, I say to myself as I turn around to see Scorch and Eclipse standing there with amused expressions are their faces.

"How did you get there? Why the heck did you guys abandon me like that!? I could have gotten hurt! I am so mad at you guys right now! You know what? I am going to go get some food from the food cave, I'm getting hungry and then I'm going to go to bed, and get away from my horrible friends." I say to neither one of them in particular. I storm off, pausing a moment at the door, hoping that Obsidian is not on the other side waiting for me. "Wait! Silverscale!" Eclipse calls, but I am already heading down the hallway.

Did you like it? The next chapter should be out in a few minuets. I can publish these chapters so fast because I was writing this story on a google doc before I got Wattpad, so I am just copying and pasting. 

~ Eclipse

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