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Yeeee. So I have indeed decided to write a story about Rain Cloud. But obviously, you need supporting characters. Sooooo I have started making some. Here are two I hve finished so far

Gizmo the Nightwing. As a child, Gizmo was always into making things. He loved working with electricity, even tho his mother always worried he would get hurt. His skills were put to the test, when he got into an accident and hurt himself severely, resulting in him loosing his wings. He and his father worked for a while to make a pair of fake wings, which he now uses. And for fun, they used a starry material for the wing membrane, to make him feel more like a Nightwing.

Melt the Skywing. Melt is shy and timid. She dosen't like large crowds or loud noises. Melt only has her mother, because her father had passed away before she hatched. Melt has always felt different. The spikes at her tail-tip are too long, and she is a strange pinkish color, rather than a red or orange. She loves to swim and sticks close to those who she trusts.

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