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Ok ok. So I'm taking this chapter to VERY CLEARLY address that FLUFFIES ARE MY CLOSED SPECIES. You may not at any time make one unless I give you special permission pr you adopt one. So I found out that someone made a Shadow Fluffie OC without so much as telling or asking me. As you may be able to tell its upset me a tiny bit. They're my closed species because I wanted them to be my special thing right now to be proud of. And I am really proud of them. But you all need to understand that they are all less special to me if everyone has one. So that's why they are CLOSED meaning You can't have one unless I give you one. So please, have some respect for my wishes, guys? And a lot of people were asking about adoptables, well I'm a lot less willing to do them if people are already betraying my wishes like this. Now, if you are reading this, and you know who you are im not calling out anyone, then I'm not going to take your Shadow Fluffie away, but please. Have more respect for me in the future? Please. Because Fluffies are the one thing right now I'm truly proud of, and they're less special if people are secretly stealing them away like this.

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