WOF Next Gen. Blaze and Glacier's story

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   Queen Glacier landed with her two guards just outside the SandWing fortress, looking up at the high walls that once had been the home of Burn during the war. The three IceWings approached the entrance, where a couple of SandWing guards were posted, spears at their sides and blank expressions on their faces. They flickered their dark eyes over to the approaching IceWings and on the IceWing Queen.
   One of the guards spoke, "state your business, Queen Glacier."
   "I come to speak to someone," she answered, holding up her head to look regal, her tail curling upwards a bit.
   The guards exchanged looks and small murmurs before turning back towards the IceWing Queen, "Come with us," one said.
   The SandWings lead the IceWings into the fortress, SandWings and even some dragons of other tribes walked around. It had been over 5 years since the war had ended, and Pyhirra had been much more peaceful since. The tribes still mostly kept to themselves, but hybrids were more common now. Glacier entered a room where Queen Thorn was talking with another SandWing: her old Ally Princess Blaze..
   Queen Thorn and Blaze turned to Glacier and the guards, "What brings you here, Queen Glacier?" Thorn asked.
   Queen Glacier glanced at Blaze, who was smiling at her, and then back at Thorn, "I need to stay away from the Ice Kingdom for a little while," she finally said, "I was hoping I could stay here with my old 'friend' Blaze."
   Thorn thought for a moment, " How were you able to leave the Ice Kingdom? How long would you be staying? Why?"
   Glacier's expression suddenly twisted in pain and sorrow, quickly recovering her Queenly look, "My mate was assassinated and so I was sent away until the threat is cleared. I have someone taking care of the Kingdom that I can trust."
    Blaze spoke next, "She can stay with me, Queen Thorn."
   Thorn looked a bit surprised but then nodded and murmured, "Keep a close eye on her tho. This situation is a bit strange."
   Blaze nodded and walked over to Queen Glacier, "Hello again, Glacier."she greeted the IceWing.
   Glacier cracked a smile, "It's been a long time, Blaze."
   Blaze nodded and lead the IceWing Queen to where she was staying. Her guards had been asked to stay so they could be escorted around for a little while. Blaze let Glacier enter her fairly sized home which was, of course, decorated to Blaze's liking with wall tapestries and jewelry hanging on wooden arrangements. The two dragoness' sat down while Blaze offered Glacier some of those fancy snacky things you might find in a fancy restaurant.
   "So..... I'm really sorry about what happened to your-"
   "It's alright, Blaze. I just hope they bring the assassin to justice soon," Glacier growled a bit, closing her eyes.
   Blaze sighed and moved to sit beside Glacier, putting one warm wing around her, "I know how you feel, Glacier. When Oasis was killed, it was very hard on me. And then the war started....l
   "I see.... I just...... I miss him so much!" Glacier's eyes suddenly filled with tears.
   Blaze was taken aback at the sight of the Queen of the IceWings in tears. Blaze smiled and laid her head on top of Queen Glacier's, bringing her into a hug, "Don't worry, Glacey. I'm here for you."
   Glacier opened her eyes in surprise, but didn't try to push the SandWing away, instead leaning into her warmth and smiling a bit, tears still falling, "Thank you Blaze."
   Blaze closed her eyes, "You were there for me, so I think it's my turn to return the favor...."

And so then their relationship grew from here in the Silververse. And just remember this isn't the actual events in Wings Of Fire, just what happened here in my Universe. So yep yep. Blaze and Glacier are adorable to me for some reason.

Now for random copyright stuff, just because I can.

Blaze, Queen Glacier, Queen Thorn, Wings of Fire (c) Tui T. Sutherland

Silververse (c) moi

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