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The wind was blistering cold as Tomei jumped from tree to tree with his two accomplices, Fluffy and Holler, even with their thick winter clothing surrounding their entire body. Fluffy felt uneasy about going through the snow at this hour. He glanced at Holler and saw her expression was completely fearless as she continued on after her mentor.
"Hey, Tomei Sensei, where are we going anyways at this time?" Fluffy finally asked.
"We're going to investigate something within this forest, Queen Glory's orders." Tomei said not looking back at Fluffy.
"What is that somthing we're supposed to investigate?" Fluffy asked again.
"A strange group of dragons we're spotted in an area not far from the site of the academy, and Queen Glory sent the three of us because our teamwork skills will allow us to get more information about them without being killed." Tomei answered still not looking back at his disciple.
"And also because we're small and we can slip out of their claws in time right Sensei?" Holler piped up, dodging a tree trunk while front flipping.
"Exactly, excellent Holler." Tomei looked back at her.
Fluffy scoffed and smacked right into a tree branch covered with snow. He peeled off the branch and flipped while crashing to the ground. He got up slowly and the other two landed in front of him, one with a giggle and one with a sigh. Tomei helped him up and then bopped his head, leaving a bump larger than a rock.
"Ow! That's gonna be there forever if the snow dosen't freeze it!" Fluffy complained. Holler giggled.
Later on, they ran into a wide opening, revealing a strange glow emitting from the mouth of it. Tomei looked into it and knew this was the place the group was located.
"Ok you two, this is the place," he said,"are you ready for this?"
"Yeah, I'm definately ready for this." Holler said, preparing water orbs to blast.
"Ready is my middle name." Fluffy said, preparing fire orbs for battle.
"Good, because here comes one right now." Tomei narrowed his eyes at the lurking shadow of an IceWing. The IceWing stepped out tilting his head at the trio as he walked goofily, as if he didn't have a care in the world.
"Hello you three, are you lost? If so, you can find your way into my mouth, HaHa!" The IceWing said confidently. His head was full of blond hair, which went over one of his blue eyes. His scales were a dirty white and the sword he looled over his shoulder was gigantic. He licked his lips while staring at them.
"Who the hell are you?" Tomei demanded fiercely.
"Name's Frostride, and you three are?" Frostride tilted his head more, waiting for an answer.
"We came from Jade Mountain, and we've come to take you down!" Tomei rushed at Frostride. Holler and Fluffy dashed after him.
The IceWings goofy expression morphed into a serious one. Tomei threw a flurry of kunai knives at him and then teleported behind him, skidding in the snow. He threw another flurry from behind but these ones had the paper bomb seal upon the handles. Frostride blocked all the kunai except five with paper bombs, which he grasped in his talons. The kunai then turned into black marking covered kunai. Fluffy knew they had teleportation formulas on them and readied his fire. The IceWing threw two behind Tomei and three behind Fluffy and Holler. He then clenched his sword handle and in a flash he was behind Holler and Fluffy, his sword ready to cut them in half.
Fluffy grabbed Holler as he ducked under the swords slice, which continued on, cutting trees endlessly and setting them ablaze. Frostride picked the two up then flung them into the air. After a quick flash, he was behind Tomei, who withstood the tail smack that sent him into the air next to his students.
Frostride tossed a teleportation kunai up near them, teleported up to them, then clutched both of his talons together. He landed the clenched together talons on the trio, sending them crashing into different places. Tomei landed face first into the snow, Fluffy crashed into a rock, and Holler smacked into a tree. All three of them struggled to get up as the IceWing made four hand signs then started to spin in midair.
"Ice Style! Ice Needle Barrage!" He yelled as his scales opened, revealing needles prepared to shoot out and puncture the trio.
The needles shot out like a machine gun as they punctured everything in it's radius. It stabbed into every part of Fluffy and Holler's bodies, killing them instantly. Tomei rolled out of the way and glanced at his students lifeless bodies and started to tear up. Frostride saw this and laughed hysterically, without a care in the world.
"Your little disciples are as good as gone now that they're frozen dead!" He burst into laughter again as he landed next to Tomei. "Don't worry, you'll be joining them soo-" a combined blast hit Frostride in his side, sending him flying into a rock. Fluffy and Holler were back to back in a pose.
"But I saw you die right in front of my eyes!" Frostride gritted his teeth, anger filling his eyes.
"We always send clones before the real us come into play, so we can surprise the enemy!" Fluffy and Holler said in unison.
"Well, let's see if the real ones can handle the death of their beloved teacher!" Frostride tugged on a thin rope that was attached to twenty more. The ropes wrapped around Tomei.
"One tug and your teacher is chops and gravy." Frostride blew some hair out of his eye.
"Don't you dare!" Fluffy said furiously. Frostride smirked and tugged the rope.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Fluffy and Holler shouted as the thin ropes cut through Tomei like he was nothing. Chunks of blood and meat fell into the snow, blending with it making a horrible picture.
"DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!" Fluffy exclaimed as he shot multiple fire balls at Frostride. Holler held him back and they both stared into the blue eyes of the IceWing, which showed no remorse to his adversaries tears.
"Get out of here before you end up like this pathetic moron! And tell the Jade Mountain that we are coming and Antonius will rise again!" Frostride bellowed at the duo.
Fluffy and Holler hesitated for a moment, then they looked at Tomei, who was now cut into pieces, and thought how if he were still alive he would want them to run.
Without another thought, they swished away, leaving the IceWing alone. Frostride looked at the clumps of flesh everywhere and started to gather them. He then looked back to Fluffy and Holler's disappearing shadows. After they faded, he walked into the cave.
Fluffy and Holler jumped from branch to branch, getting as far away from the death site of their teacher. Fluffy's tears froze onto his face everytime he shed one.
Holler knew that this was a plot that would turn into a war, and if they make it back in time, they could just stop it dead in it's ever so close course. . .

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