So I had the creepiest dream last night

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I can't quite remember all of it, but here's what I remember, I was on a old train car on a abandoned railroad track in the middle of the woods with some people I don't know in real life but in the dream they were my friends, there were 3 of them. The train car somehow started moving while we were in it, we were freaking out because it started going downhill and we were speeding up pretty quickly, we were also approaching a sharp turn and the train car would be knocked off the tracks and we would most likely die Me and my dream friends decided to jump off the train car to avoid death but still most likely get injured. They all jumped off and survived with a few bruises and scratches, but when I tried to jump that's when the train car derailed and I lost my balance and fell back into the train car and I heard my dream friends calling out my name. I can't remember what happened when the train car flipped over on its side but I remember that I somehow survived (dream logic XD), I had many gashes and a broken rib. from the crash but I was alive and I was lying on the ground half unconscious, surrounded by broken pieces of the train car. This is where the dream gets creepy. I remember looking up and seeing a grayish green alien with black eyes (how original). Anyways the alien helped me sit up and then all I can remember is that all I could see was a bright light then I heard a weird voice whisper something but I can't remember what, I think they said something like " it's ok, you're safe now" or something like that, I can't remember. then I woke up. I felt really weird when I woke up. It was creepy.

Creepy dream right, or at least somewhat creepy. I have the weirdest dreams all the time, I need to make a book about some of my dreams lol.

Sorry about making you guys listen to my boring dream but I wanted to tell someone about it. I bet you guys were really bored by reading this, sorry, I'm a bad story teller lol. Won't happen again, unless it's worthwhile.

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