Contest 20 (closed)

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So, for those of you who don't know, I'm working on a wof fanfiction called, Heart Of Oak.
It's about a human girl named Holly who falls into the world of Pantala. . . . . as a leafwing!

I've already drawn a bookcover for it, but, I think I need something different.

So, for this contest, you will be drawing a bookcover for my fanfiction!

I can't promise that I'll use your cover even if you win, but, this is just for me to get some inspiration, even if I don't end up uding your bookcover.

Here's my version.

I also made a poster a few days after I drew this.

You don't need to use the posing of either of these; do what you think will look good.

You can go ahead and check it out to get some more ideas.

Here are the refsheets!

Dragon Holly

Human Holly

New base

Here I'm just going to tage a few people who I think might be interested, but, you don't have to do this unless you want to.
Also, please don't say you'll do and then not be able to.
Sorry about any unwanted tages.














Edit: I forgot to talk about her personality.
Holly is introverted, but has a temper and a weird sense of humor that few people understand. She perfers books to humans, but, she's extreemly loyal to the few friends she has. In dangerous situations, she trys to be outwardly confident, but on the inside, she has a lot of self doubt and often relies on her friends to give herself a moral boost when needed. She's pretty smart, but she has ADHD and dyslexsia, so, she can be kind of clumsy and has trouble focasing if she forgets to get her medication.

Also, fun fact, I actually have ADHD and dyslexsia (hope I'm spelling that right) and the other day, I forgot to take my medicine and it was Hades.

Also, does anyone know when the 2023 Wattys will be?

Deadline: March 4th 2023

Renx out!

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