Chapter 1

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Clearsight sat in the library. She was writing notes in scrolls. Her visions exploding in her mind. She traced paths. She was going to school tomorrow Andy meeting a boy called Darkstalker. She was also going to meet Fathom and Indigo-Seawings- at school the next day. She did not want a bad first impression. 

Her father walked in and took her home. She had her own room in the library. She went to her room and read until around mid day when her mother came in and made her turn of the light and close the curtains. She fell into a light, jumpy sleep. 

The next night she woke up as the sun set over the hills. She jumped up and went downstairs. Her mother was there. "Shh! Your father is sleeping" whispered her mother. Clearsight nodded and ate some toast. She rushed outside and climbed onto her bike. She began cycling to school.

When she got there, she headed to the office. Miss Mistic was thee. "Hello Clearsight" she said smilingly. Miss Mistics curly brown hair was fastened into a bun. "Your in room two. 6P." She said kindly, Clearsight nodded and walked of.

She entered her classroom to see two guinea pigs in a crate in the corned. She saw a lot of activity's. "Hello Clearsight" Said Miss Peacebringer. "Listener shall show you around" she said. A girl walked up. She had messy purple hair. When their teacher left she smiled. "I see you can see the future." She whispered to Clearsight. "I can read minds" she smiled. Clearsight could tell they would be great friends. 

"Do we just walk around and do activity's?" Asked Clearsight. Listener nodded.

A girl with white hair, holding a book walked past. She had a faraway expression. "Who's that?" Asked Clearsight. "That's Whiteout. She is a boy called Darkstalker fraternal twin" whispered Listener. Clearsight nodded.

Soon the teacher let them outside for break. The moons were rising slowly in the night sky. 

Whiteout wandered around pointlessly. Suddenly a dark haired boy walked out, he was followed by a purple haired girl holding a spear and had a knife in her belt, also followed by a boy with green hair.

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