Arena Cafe

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Peril sat down on one of the Cafe Arena's tables, pushing back a strand of red hair that had somehow managed to escape from her ponytail. Usually, she preferred to go to Outclaw cafe, but today it seemed to be closed. She waited until a waitress came over. " What would you like?" the woman asked. "Can I have a regular sandwich and some ice tea?" Peril requested.

"Small, medium,, or large?"

"Large please."

The waitress nodded in a bored manner as she walked off with her order.

It was five minutes later when the waitress returned and placed down a plate and a cup. Peril picked up her sandwich, taking a bite as she checked her social media. Only to be disappointed for there were no new notifications. The girl sighed, chewing on her sandwich in a half detached manner.

Peril had just taken a sip of her beverage when someone sat down at her table in front of her. She looked up with an annoyed expression and started choking when she saw who it was.

"There, there, darling," the woman said, patting her back.

Peril shoved her hand away. "Don't touch me," she snarled. The woman backed away, pursing her perfect bloodred lips.

"Why are you here, Scarlet?" Peril demanded, her mood completely spoiled.

"Why, this place belongs to me. Why wouldn't I be here?"

Peril internally scolded herself for forgetting such an important detail. Scarlet was indeed the owner of Arena Cafe, but she hadn't expected her to actually be there. "What do you want?" Peril asked instead.

"Oh, nothing much. I just want to help you, dear," Scarlet replied, her voice dripping with honey. That coupled with her extraordinary beauty was mesmerizing, but Peril had learned to put that aside and see the real her. The manipulative, rotting lizard that she was inside. Before she could reply or punch her in the face the waitress returned. She seemed to be much more careful of her movements around her boss. "Here is your bill," she said stoically, putting down the piece of paper.

"Take it back," Scarlet ordered, not taking her eyes off Peril.

"But mothe-"

"I said take it back, Ruby! And you call me ma'am in public!"

"Yes ma'am," Ruby said, doing a small bow as she left them, taking the bill with her.

Scarlet face melted into a sweet smile again as she turned towards Peril. "Now dear, where were we? Ah yes, I can help you and your mother. I have the best lawyers you know."

Peril stood up, slamming her palm on the table. "Listen! I'm saying this for the last time! I don't want your help and I don't need your charity either!" she yelled, lifting her hand and revealing a 50 dollar bill even though her order costed just 25.

Scarlet frowned, subconsciously curling a lock of dark hair. "Well then, you know where to find me," she grinned, unveiling a row of perfect white teeth. Peril stiffened, her nostrils flaring. She picked up her half-eaten sandwich and ice tea, resisting the urge to spill it on her as she walked out, not once glancing back at the vexatious woman who wouldn't leave her alone since first grade.

Alas, she did dump her food in the garbage, not wanting anything to do with Scarlet. She regretted it later when she realized she'd spent all of her leftover allowance on it.

Great, I'm broke now too.

Peril buried her hands in the pocket of her jeans, frustratedly kicking a rock that was lying on the sidewalk. She was taking random turns down a road when she heard someone call her name.



Peril groaned when she realized who it was and turned around to see Tsunami standing behind her. "How can I help you?" she asked.

"I told you to wait, didn't I?"

"Well, I'm sure you didn't actually expect me to," Peril rolled her eyes. "And, I don't want to meet your brother. Like seriously, I don't care if he and his gang are afraid of me. Not my problem, I have to meet them next Friday anyway." The girl huffed with an air of self-importance when she finished. Inside Peril realized with a hint of guilt that she was actually taking out her anger about Scarlet on her friends, but she was much too proud to show that.

"Sheesh fine, I won't talk about that then," Tsunami rolled her eyes. "So where are you heading?"

"Home," Peril replied glumly.

"Okay then, see you around," she said. "I was thinking of going to the pool later with the gang. You wanna come?"

Her face brightened up slightly and she nodded. "Sure."

"Cool! Me and the others will pick you up at 5! Be ready!" Tsunami said, punching her shoulder as she skipped away.

"See you there!" she yelled after her, giving a small wave in her direction.

Unbeknownst to her, Tsunami grinned when she turned the corner and rubbed her palms together in anticipation. Time to put my plan into action.

Not really fond of this chapter, cause I've been procrastinating a lot. I actually got writer's block midway but that's what you gotta deal with. Anyway, hopefully, the next chapter will be out sooner.

Adios amigos. (I don't speak Spanish btw) 

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