My Heart Beats Two Ways

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BOOM. New chapter. Sorry if its short.

Starflight walked over to his locker and kept his books inside. His phone buzzed in notification and so he swung it out of his pocket. It was a text from Sunny.

LittleSun: Hey guys! I have got a free period. Anyone else?

Nami#1: I have got gym next. Sorry.

QueenGlory: Science.

QueenGlory has logged off

ClayClay: Even I got gym. 

Nami#1: Alright see you

ClayClay has logged off

Nami#1 has logged off

Starflight's hands quivered as he texted his reply.

Star: Hey I got a free period....

LittleSun: That's great!

LittleSun: See you at the library in 2 minutes. 

LittleSun has logged off

Starflight nodded before he remembered they were texting. He quickly locked his locker and hurried to the library. He immediately smiled when he saw Sunny sitting there. 

She smiled at him, ''Hey Starflight!''

''H-hey,'' he replied shyly.

''Come sit!'' she cheered. Sunny led him to a table, where there was already someone sitting.

Fatespeaker looked up from the book she was reading, it was something about astrology. When they had met in fifth grade Fatespeaker  used to 100% believe in all this and had almost made him a part of it too. Even now, despite his various arguments, she refused to stop reading all that but now it was mostly for fun.''Hey Star!'' she greeted. She was wearing a lilac top with a black skirt, and her usual silver charm bracelet. Starflight felt disappointed that he and Sunny weren't going to be alone, and then felt extremely guilty about it a second later. 

''Hey Fatespeaker,'' he replied cordially.

She grinned at him and motioned for him to sit next to her. Starflight awkwardly hobbled over and sat down. Sunny settled in the seat in front of him. The blonde girl smiled, ''So I was just telling Fatespeaker about what happened at class this morning.'' she said.

Fatespeaker rolled her eyes, ''You guys are lucky!'' she cried.

''Lucky?'' Starflight asked, surprised. ''We have Kestrel as our homeroom teacher. In which universe is that lucky?''

She frowned, ''Well I got Morrowseer. How about that? And I got detention on the first day for being late. '' She countered.

''That is actually bad,'' Starflight admitted. Across from him Sunny nodded her head in sympathy. 

The black haired girl sighed in an almost dejected manner, ''Well I got to go. Viper asked me to help her with her H.W.''

''Viper?!'' Starflight asked, alarmed. ''The bully?''

''Yes, Viper,'' Fatespeaker replied. ''And she is my friend.''

He shared an uneasy glance with Sunny. ''Fate, I don't think...'' but the naïve girl was already walking away. ''See you!'' she called, before she disappeared around the hallway.

Starflight sighed, then turned towards Sunny,'' Sunny?''


''I need to tell you something...''

The blonde girl put down her phone and leaned in curiously, ''Come on! You can tell me!''

"Its-its just that-'' he was interrupted by someone occupying the seat next to him. It was Fatespeaker. 

''Sorry guys, '' she said in an embarrassed tone. ''I remembered that I had to meet with Viper after  school.'' She then noticed the awkward silence, ''Ummm, did I interrupt something?''

''Not at all!'' Sunny said happily. ''Starflight was just telling me something....''

Her eyes flashed enviously, but for only an unnoticeable moment, before she smiled sweetly at the both of them. Although the bulk of that smile was directed at Starflight and the genuineness in it gave him uncontrolled pangs of remorse and guilt. ''Oh, don't mind me. I am just here to pass the time.'' she said.

Sunny turned towards Starflight and looked at him expectantly. Starflight could feel the full force of Fatespeaker's gaze on him, and he could feel the lump that had started to form in his throat. ''I-I-I- '' he tried and failed to form coherent words.

''Starflight, are you alright?'' both the girls said at the same time. That didn't help either. 

''I-I was just wondering...if you still have the recipe of the chocolate chip cookies you made last Christmas?'' 

''Sure,'' Sunny said gleefully. ''I will send it to you by text....right now!''

The boy heard the soft ping on his phone, that meant she had done what she just promised. Beside him Fatespeaker relaxed just the slightest bit. 

Throughout the remaining time the three of them made ideal conversation. Well at least two of them did. Starflight was fidgeting nervously the whole time. Wondering what had just happened. He had been so confident, which was not a regular starflight trait, that he would tell Sunny how he felt about her. Yet he couldn't. At least not with Fatespeaker there. But the feelings he had for Sunny and the feelings he had for Fatespeaker, they couldn't be the same. 

''-and then Ochre vomited on Squid. It was so disgusting!'' Fatespeaker exclaimed, doing a gagging gesture. Just then the bell rang. Fatespeaker looked up, ''Okay, got to go! Wanna come?'' she asked Sunny. ''Cause I think we got English together, next.''

Sunny nodded and started to leave, ''Bye Starflight!'' both of them said at the same time and started giggling. 

The black haired boy blushed slightly as both of them walked towards the exit. As he started to get up, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fatespeaker turn to look at him, right before she turned the corner. 

So, dear readers, who do you think our precious little adorable Starflight will choose?          

 *makes smug face, then hides it*

Comment below!

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