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The Alarm blared, shocking everyone out of their sleep. ''Ahhhhhhhh!!'' Sunny screamed. Fatespeaker literally fell out of bed while Peril just mumbled something and pulled herself under the covers. ''WHAT IS IT!'' Tsunami cried, on her feet and ready to punch anyone, although her eyes were still closed.

''Glory what happened to you!?'' Sunny screeched again.

Everyone turned towards Glory, except Peril. The rainbow haired girl stood at the doorway, her hair though were tucked under a towel and there was a white substance plastered all over her face. She was wearing a bathrobe and was gently sipping coffee from a cup, her eyes twinkling with amusement. ''Shut up, or Grandeur will literally throw you out. She likes her mornings to be as peaceful as possible.''

''Ha HA, you look uglier than usual Glory.'' Tsunami teased, while rubbing her eyes. 

''Its called a face mask geniuses''

Fatespeaker stretched and yawned, ''Can't we sleep a few more minutes?''

''See.'' said Sunny in her 'you should have listened to me' voice. ''I told you to go to bed early.''

''It was a sleepover. You never sleep early in a sleepover.''

''Not an excuse.'' sunny chided.

''Well, anyway, I am calling dibs on the bathroom.'' Fatespeaker said groggily. 

''Wait-I thought we had decided I was-ARRGHHH'' Tsunami growled, as fatespeaker locked the door. 

Glory smirked over her coffee, ''Too late''

Tsunami, instead of retorting, gently took out all her toiletries and clothes, then turned and grinned evilly at Glory, before dashing past her, ''Well we still have yours,'' she called already half way down the corridor.


''Okay! Lets get going!'' Sunny cried as she emerged out of the bathroom, steam trailing behind her. Her shoulder length golden hair were neatly brushed and she was wearing a summery yellow frock.  

''In a minute..'' said tsunami, trying to correctly apply the eyeliner for the 4th time. She had let her blue hair fall freely down her back and was wearing a cerulean top with blue jeans. Fatespeaker got up from the other side of the room where she had just finished tying her midnight black hair into a braid. ''Let me help you with that.'' she said cheerfully skipping across the room.

Fatespeaker had done the eyeliner almost perfectly until a scream from Glory's room made her mess up.


Tsunami looked at her reflection in the mirror, her makeup totally smudged up. ''Oh, I give up! Lets get some breakfast. '' 

''I never knew you could cook, Jambu!'' Sunny cried. The pink haired boy, who would be starting college this year, was in the kitchen making pancakes. 

''Most people don't''

''Hey dude, why do you have pink hair?'' Tsunami asked, opening random cupboards and checking out their contents. 

''Well I once tried dying them a blue grey but that made me feel totally depressed. You get what I mean?''

''Totally'' , Tsunami said, as she opened a jar of mini chocolate chip cookies, tossing a few in her mouth, before Glory snatched them away. ''Stay out of my stuff !'' Tsunami just shrugged and walked away to sit at the table with Fatespeaker.

It was a good five minutes before Jambu walked out balancing 5 plates on his arms and 1 on his head. He stopped before the table, with a confused expression on his face. ''Weren't there...more of you?''

Everyone looked around, until Sunny broke the silence, ''Guys,'' she said carefully. ''Where is Peril?'' 

Everyone immediately got up and rushed to the guest room they had used, almost making Jambu drop the food. ''Hey, careful!'' he called behind them.

Fatespeaker switched on the light of their room and it was clear where their missing friend was. The red headed girl slowly rose from under a mound of pillows and blankets, that had concealed her perfectly, and turned to look at all of them. She blinked her blue eyes like a deer in the headlights. 

Everyone burst into laughter. ''What?'' Peril asked, slightly annoyed. ''Why are you laughing?''

''Get up!'' Tsunami said, yanking peril out from under the cushions. Peril stood up and yawned, '' So what time is it?''

''Its 7 sleepy head! Now get ready quickly or we will be late for school!'' Sunny cried while fatespeaker shoved the taller girl inside the bathroom.

Their fears though didn't last long as Peril hardly took any time to get ready. She was sitting beside them at the dining table in less than fifteen minutes. Her thick, wavy flame red hair was tied in a high ponytail and she was wearing a plain orange T shirt and dark blue jeans with her usual black and red sneakers. ''So,'' she said. ''What's for breakfast?''

''Cause you are late...'' replied Glory, while passing her a plate.''Soggy pancakes.''  Peril shrugged. ''I have had worse'' she said around a mouthful of soggy pancakes. ''Seriously you should have tried the omelette I made in cooking class last year. It tasted like burnt spaghetti with raw onions.''

''Ewwww. Gross.'' said Fatespeaker, while everyone tried not to laugh, except Tsunami who was guffawing loudly. 

''So where's Granduer?'' Glory asked her older brother. Jambu looked up from his plate, ''She already left.''

''Already left?''

''Ya. Magnificent, her secretary, called. Said she had a really important client on hold.''

''That explains it.''

The rest of breakfast was spent in quiet. Until all of the girl's phones rang in notification. 

''What is it?'' Jambu asked.

''Its clay,'' Tsunami said. ''He says he will be picking us up in five minutes.'' She paused and started laughing loudly. ''What?'' Jambu said. ''He will be picking us up in 5 minutes right after he gets his third breakfast bagel. I call shotgun by the way.''

''Oh, Clay'' Peril sighed and everyone laughed.

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