The Stranger

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I hate this chapter. I hate it. I hate it. I don't know why I can't wright properly anymore so I'll understand if you find this chapter weird. On a brighter note I realized that 13 year olds can drive in this universe. So there you have it. XD. 'Enjoy' 

Turtle walked down the school hallways, coming to a stop beside his locker. He stuffed his bag in and nearly had a heart attack when someone jumped on him from behind. He turned around covering his face with his hands. Being the kind of guy he was, he had a bad experience with bullying in the past. The fact that their senior advisor was one, didn't help either.

"Calm down. It's just me Turtle!" a cheery female voice announced.

"Oh, Kinkajou,'' he sighed, straightening up. He actually felt quite silly now. Kinkajou was the only one who hugged him like that. The thought made him blush slightly and he coughed to cover it.

"You okay?" the girl asked.

Turtle noticed that she had dyed her hair pink and yellow today. "Your hair looks beautiful,'' he blurted.

"Aww thanks!" she replied, giving him another hug and making him blush madly...again. "N-no problem,'' he stuttered.

Luckily Moon came to his rescue before he could say something else and embarrass himself further.

"Hey, Kinkajou! Turtle!'' the black-haired girl greeted with a shy smile as she walked over. "Hey, Moon!" Kinkajou cried, releasing Turtle so she could talk to her best friend.

"Where are Winter and Qibli?" Kinkajou asked, stopping her hug attack for a second to look behind Moon. Moon laughed as she gently peeled the smaller girl off herself. "They should be here any second now.''

As if on cue a loud familiar bickering could be heard from around the corner.

"It was not an igloo,'' one voice snapped.

"Come on, Winter! We all know how much you adore igloos,'' another voice argued playfully.

"It was a freaking five-star hotel, Qibli!"

The two boys turned the corner. One with a handsome face, icy blue eyes, and silver hair while the other one had messy blonde hair, freckles and a small scar running across his nose. Kinkajou, as she had done with him and Moon, jumped up to give both of them a joint hug. Qibli laughed good-naturedly and hugged her back while Winter just stood there awkwardly until Kinkajou didn't step away.

"What were you guys arguing about now?" Moon asked, placing a stray strand of raven hair behind her ear.

"Qibli here,'' Winter said, pointing a pale finger at the other boy. "Doesn't know the difference between an igloo and a five-star hotel."

"Aw, I thought we had all agreed that Snow Queen here,'' Qibli chuckled, gesturing to Winter. "Absolutely loves igloos."

Winter growled, but before he could say anything the bell rang and the group had to scatter again.

Turtle was just heading to his first class of the day when he felt someone running after him. He turned around and was greeted with the prettiest face in the world.

Kinkajou smiled, "I think my class is the same way. Wanna walk together?"


Moonwatcher aka Moon was walking down a different hallway, her eyes on the ground. Perhaps that was the reason she didn't notice him until she crashed right into him. Both she and the boy tumbled to the ground, all her books spilling out of her hands and onto the floor.

"Oof, sorry,'' Moon managed to say through her embarrassment. The boy stood up. "It's alright,'' he assured pleasantly, offering her a hand. Moon finally looked up and realized he looked rather old to be a student. He looked somewhere around his mid-twenties, with an overall handsome face. The young man was wearing a smart black suit and had an odd icy white birthmark on his neck. He gave her a small smile. "You must be Moonwatcher!'' he exclaimed amiably.

The girl tensed. How did he know her name?

The man, probably noticing her unease, chuckled and picked up one of the books. He grinned and flipped it around so the cover was facing her. "It says right here: 'This belongs to Moonwatcher Shadow. If found please return to locker no.543' ''

Moon sighed in relief as the stranger handed it back to her. She mumbled a 'thanks' and picked up the rest of her stuff just as the second bell rang. She saw as the man checked his watch and frowned. "Well it was nice meeting you, Moonwatcher,'' he said. "But I guess both of us will be late if we don't hurry.''

He raised his hand for a handshake and Moon obliged. "It was nice meeting you too....?'' "Darkstalker,'' he filled in with a smile.

"My name is Darkstalker."

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