Math lesson

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Fatespeaker's POV:

We waited for our math teacher after Miss Blaze and Mr. Smolder left.A while later,Mr. Mastermind came in.He is Starflight's dad.He said,"Hello class!"We greeted him and started the lesson.

"What is 2x+3x?Clay?Can you answer?"Mr. Mastermind asked.Clay went in front of the blackboard.Mr. Mastermind wrote the question on the blackboard.Clay picked up a white chalk and thought for a while,"Hmmmm..."

1 minute later...


Another minute later he was still thinking.Suddenly,Peril's hand shot up in the air.Mr. Mastermind asked,"Peril?Do you have a question?"She answered,"No!I have a solution!"She walked to the blackboard and took a chalk.She started drawing two chickens and an x.Then she drew a plus.Next she drew three chickens and another x.She ended with a =.

Peril asked Clay,"2 chickens x plus 3 chickens x equals what?"Clay quickly answered,"5 chickens x.Which means 5x!"

Mr. Mastermind looked shocked,"Well that's...interesting?"We all snickered and giggled.Clay and Peril went back to their seats.I raised my hand up,"All Clay thinks about is food!"I quietly whispered,"And maybe he thinks about Peril too!"Mr. Mastermind,of course,didn't hear me whisper.He looked amused and said,"That's quite hilarious.Good bye class!The next lesson is history!

I groaned,'History!?!That's even worst than math!"

To be continued...

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