Theme park day part 4(saved or not)

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Qibli's POV:

My friends are kidnapped by mysterious people in black!I called the police while Moon flew the jet.I said to the police,"Help!My friends are kidnapped by some people wearing black clothes!"The police answered,"We're on our way!"I said,"We are flying a jet which is green and black.I will send you a photo of the map.Follow our jet."The police replied,"OK!By the way,we've been trying to capture these people but we cannot find them.This is a perfect chance to finally get our hands on them."

Moon was flying the jet and I was looking out from the windows.I saw lots of police cars below us and even a few police jets behind us.Finally,we reached the middle of the forest.Moon landed the jet and we all walked out.The place was really creepy and dark.The police had their torches.Moon texted Kinkajou,"Where are you?"Luckily,she replied,"The people in black are driving us to a secret cave next to the tallest tree in the forest."Moon showed the police and searched for the cave.We found the tallest tree in the forest but could only find a rock hill next to it.Moon asked Kinkajou,"Where is the cave?"Kinkajou replied,"Oh!I forgot to tell you!It is a rock hill and you have to press the fake mushroom next to it."I found a small brown mushroom next to the hill and pressed it.The cave entrance opened.We stepped in with weapons in our hands.I saw a faint glow in the cave and saw my friends!I pointed to the glow.We ran towards it.

The police yelled,"Whoever it is,you must surrender!"Suddenly,a whole group of people in black jumped out from the shadows and held out their knives.We fought them.Moon and I quickly but quietly ran to our friends.I secretly took the keys from one of the bad people's pocket and unlocked the cages.

To be continued...

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