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A/N: So... I have a few more ideas for stories. I'm writing a Glorybringer fan fiction story right now, but I don't know if I should publish it or not, and then I have an Harry Potter/ Wings of Fire crossover idea, where the dragons in the 4th Harry Potter book (The Goblet of Fire) were from Pyrrhia. What do you guys think?

School that day for Glory was terrible. Everyone was talking about Glory and Deathbringer, how they were jealous, or how they should have seen it coming. And then there spews alos the Darkstalker incident piled on top of it, which just caused more problems. No one would be quiet, except Glory, so there teachers were more strict. 

Except Smolder. But, Glory was Sunny's best friend, and Sunny was his possible step-daughter, so he wanted a good impression on Sunny.

As soon as Glory walked out of her last class, glad the day was finally over, Deathbringer was waiting for her.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said.

"For what?" Glory replied.

Deathbringer looked up, surprised. "For everyone talking about us and what happened this morning."

"Everyone was going to know anyway, you big dummy, and people were already talking about us with the Darkstalker thing." Glory said.

Deathbringer looked at Glory. "Do you- do you want to come to my house for dinner? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to... but..." 

Glory smirked. "I'd love to."


On the way to Deathbringer's house, the new couple stopped to get ice cream, then hit the road again.

Before they walked in, Deathbringer stopped Glory. "I'm sorry if my moms a little weird, she really enjoys teasing me when I bring friends over, especially female friends, and she'll probably do it more, seeing as you're my girlfriend."

Glory's heart jumped when Deathbringer called Glory his girlfriend. "It'll be fun." She said.

Deathbringer sighed, then walked into his house. 

Quickstrike  looked up when the door opened, and smiled when she saw Glory and Deathbringer.

"Deathbringer!" She said. "I see you brought your friend again. Come in."

Glory smirked at Deathbringer, and he rolled his eyes in response.

Deathbringer quickly set his backpack down, then ran to his room. "I gotta go grab something!" He shouted as he ran off.

Glory felt slightly weird standing in the middle of a room in his boyfriends house, but Deathbringer wasn't gone for long, so it wasn't too bad.

When Deathbringer came out, he was holding a small box, and he handed it to Glory. "Open it." He said, rocking on his feet nervously.

When Glory opened the box, inside was a necklace with a emerald in the shape of a heart.

Glory's eyes widened. "Deathbringer." She whispered. "I love it. Thank you."

Deathbringer gave Glory his signature smug look. "Who's the best?"

"Riptide." Glory replied.

"Hey! Fine, who's all-knowing?"

"Thorn. You still get F's on tests."

He nodded thoughtfully. "That's true. Not the test part, though." He added quickly."

"Mmhmm." Glory said skeptically.

"What about all-handsome?"


"Eww!" Deathbringer said in response. "That's gross."

"I know that. It was just a joke, geez." Glory said. 

"When do you think he's gonna propose, seeing as they've been dating for, like, 6 months now. Wanna bet?"

"50 dollars it's on Christmas." Glory said.

"100 dollars it's on the last day of school." Deathbringer shot back.

"Two hundred it's on Christmas."

"Okay." Deathbringer shrugged.


The rest of the night was fairly boring, just Deathbringer breaking the news that he has a girlfriend, and Quickstrike teasing her son. 

Before Glory got on her motorcycle, Deathbringer stopped her.

"I wanted to ask you shout your family. I know you don't talk about it, but I've known you for a while, and seeing as I'm dating you, I'd like to know." He said softly. 

Glory looked down at her shoes. "No, it's fine. Not many people know." She looked at Deathbringer,and Deathbringer, seeing Glory's nervousness, grabbed her hands and looked her in the eye. 

"I only have two family members alive." She started. "That I know about, at least. I have suspicions one of my parents are still alive, but I've never pushed it." She took a breath. "I lived with my Grandmother, Granduer, until i was 16, when I finally moved out. She-she abused me, and thankfully, my brother, Jambu was there to stop her. Until he went to college when I was 13. Then she did it more, and it happened more, and worse. When I moved out, though," Glory let out a small smile. "That was the best thing I ever did in my life. The smartest decision I've ever made. All Granduer told me about my parents was that they didn't want me and Jambu, and are dead."

Deathbringer took one of Glory's hands and softly kissed her. "I'm so, so sorry." He said.

Glory shrugged, her face getting red. "There's nothing you could've done. I wouldn't change my life, and I wouldn't be where I am now if all that didn't happen."

"Oh. Okay, then. Well, see you, I guess."

"Wanna go out tomorrow?" Glory asked.

"Yeah." Deathbringer brightened. "Where?" 

"I dunno. Tell me tomorrow."

"Okay." He grinned. "Bye, my queen."

Glory just rolled her eyes and sped off.

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