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Sunny woke up the next morning to Holler jumping on her. She grinned. "Hey, you big guy." She said affectionately.

He responded by covering her with dog licks and slobber.

"Ew, gross, Holler," Sunny said, standing up.

She looked around and saw that Glory and Deathbringer were on their phones (most likely texting each other), Starflight and Fatespeaker were taking quietly, and Meerkat was playing with Holler now, as soon as Holler realized that Meerkat was awake.Holler loved Meerkat. Every time he would come to her house, he went crazy. Well, more crazy than normal.

"Sunny, you're dog needs to calm down." Glory said.

"You're the one who got him for me," Sunny retorted.

"True," Glory said, standing up and stretching.

"I've always wanted a dog," Deathrbinger commented. "My moms allergic though, so I've never been able to."

"Sucks to be you," Glory said. "I've never really wanted a pet. Yeah, sure, I like animals, I've just never had the time to take care of one."

"Makes sense." Starflight said.

Thorn appeared in the doorway, a smile on her face. "Breakfast is ready. Chicken and waffles!"

Deathbringer pumped his fist. "Yes!" He ran out the room towards the kitchen, Glory following him, rolling her eyes towards Sunny as she walked out the door.

"I swear, he's almost as bad as Clay sometimes." Thorn said.

Sunny laughed. "They spend way too much time together."

"Should've guessed." Thorn said. "I should probably go help Glory tame her boyfriend. You all can have breakfast whenever you want."

"Smolder still sleeping?" Sunny asked. On the weekends, Smolder would sleep into the afternoon. He normally wouldn't wake up around one to two o'clock p.m.

"No, actually," Thorn replied. "He made breakfast this morning. I couldn't cook to save my life."

"Neither could I," Sunny said. "I should probably get some food. I'm starving."

"Same." Meerkat said.

They all ate breakfast fairly quickly, and all went back to their houses. It was only around nine o'clock, and they were all exhausted.

So, Sunny sent them all home with a cup of coffee and leftover waffles, and as soon as everyone left, Sunny curled up in her bed and fell asleep.


When Sunny woke up, she looked at her clock, unsure of the time, hoping it wasn't too late, thankfully, it was only four, so Sunny had been asleep for about seven hours. She felt something curled up next to her, and looked up and saw Holler, curled up in her side. Sunny smiled. She got up out of her bed, as slowly as she could to not wake her dog.

She walked out into the living room, and Thorn smiled when she walked out. "Hey, beetle. Nice to see you awake. Meerkat called you when you were asleep. He's coming over for dinner. I assume you're okay with that?"

"Yeah." Sunny said. "That's great. Holler's asleep on my bed, by the way."

"Guessed so," Thorn said. "You hungry?"

"Yeah." Sunny said. "I'll just have an apple."

"Okay." Thorn said.

Sunny sat down on the couch and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels. She watched it for a few hours, then panicked when she heard the doorbell ring.

She quickly jumped up and ran to the door. Sunny smoothed her clothes, tried to tame her messy hair, and opened the door. "Hey, 'Kat." She said. "I'm a mess, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Meerkat replied. "You still look as beautiful as ever."

"Thanks." Sunny replied. "Great to see you again. Holler's asleep, as far as I know. Probably not for much longer, you know how he is."

"He's an amazing dog." Meerkat replied. "Thanks for having me over."

"You're always welcome here." Sunny replied. She quickly kissed him. "You're practically part of the family anyway."

A/N: Hey! I'm back! So, I've been meaning to update, and you would think that when you only have one day of school this week and you're stuck inside, you would have time to write. My parents made me clean SO MUCH. (I've also been watching way too much hockey. Sorry)

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