The Last Chapter

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Sunny was meeting up with Meerkat. They had decided to start trying to date again after what happened with Darkstalker. And Sunny had forgiven him, kind of. She still felt really betrayed when she thought about what Meerkat had done, but it was getting easier to think about.

She walked into the gates of the park, and felt a snowflake on her nose. She looked up and saw flakes slowly falling down from the sky. She smiled, and looked ahead of her to see Meerkat, and she looked at Holler. "You ready?" She asked him.

He barked at her.

"I'll take that as a yes," Sunny said. She crouched down and took the leash off of his collar, and he ran towards Meerkat, Sunny walking behind him.

Meerkat looked up right before Holler tackled him, and Meerkat fell into a snowbank.

"Holler," he grumbled. He stood up, and pushed Holler off of himself. He brushed the snow off his pants.

"Hey, Sunny," he said, with a nervous smile.

"Hey, Meerkat." She said.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah," she said. "Let's just walk around the park. It's a nice day."

"Okay," Meerkat said. He held out his hand. "M'lady?"

Sunny laughed. "You're such a romantic."

"I'm trying to make up for what I've done." Meerkat said, looking away. "Sunny, I'm really sorry, and I know I've said it before, but I did what had to be done. Talk to Glory when you get back to your house. Ask her about the letter Deathbringer wrote her. Doing this—it was the only way we could defeat Darkstalker and have the majority of us live."

Sunny looked at Meerkat, and hugged him. "Hey," she said. "It's okay. Don't beat yourself up about it." She looked up at him, and Meerkat's eyes were wet. "It's going to be fine." And kissed him.

This was going to be a new start for them. Without any problems in their life that were life-threatening. It was a new day for them. One chapter had finished, and a new one had started.


Clay looked out the window in his house and saw a car drive up. He looked out and saw Peril step out of her car.

"Aunt Asha, I'll be back soon!" He yelled.

"Okay, Clay, I love you!" She yelled back. "Tell Peril I said hi, happy birthday!"

"Me too!" Umber yelled, and the rest of his siblings chorused.

"I will," He called back. He walked out the door and ran to Peril. "Hey, Peril," he said. "Everyone says hi, and happy birthday,"

"That's sweet." She said. "Tell them I said hi back, okay?" She asked.

"Yep." Clay replied. "I will. You ready?" He asked.

"More than ever." She replied. "Where are we going?" She asked.

Clay grinned. "You'll see."

"Oh, boy." Peril said.

"C'mon, follow me." Clay said, and he ran onto the sidewalk, and cut off to another street.

Peril started to run after him. "Clay, where are you going?"

"It's a surprise!" He yelled, and he kept running until he came to a house that was where everything started.

"Why are we at Thorn's house?" Peril asked.

"You'll see," Clay said, and he walked inside. Inside there was party streamers everywhere, and Sunny, Starflight, Glory, Tsunami and Thorn inside. "Happy Birthday!" They all yelled.

Peril grinned. "Thank you." She said. "This is great."

"We got the hang back together." Clay said. He kissed her. "It's a new year of life for you, and I wanted to spend it with just you and me, but I needed help to plan a party, so I got some help."

"Clay," Peril said. "You didn't have to do this,"

"Well," Clay said. "I did, so just enjoy it."

"Okay," Peril said. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Tsunami was in her room, and she heard a knock on the door of her room. "Come in," she said.

She was expecting to see Turtle, Anemone, or Auklet, but was surprised when she saw her mother walk in.

"Mom?" She asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to—to apologize." She said, sitting down next to Tsunami. "I haven't treated you the best, and I'll admit, I was overprotective. And I shouldn't have controlled your life like I did. And I was wrong about a lot. About needing to keep you safe, about needing to supervise everything you do, and about that boyfriend of yours."

Tsunami looked up at her mother. "Mom, you don't have to. Part of it is my fault, too. I was stupid, and I disobeyed you a lot. It's my fault as much as it is yours."

"Can we stop being enemies?" Coral asked. "I want to be a better mother than I have. And I want to just be a normal mother and have a normal-ish life."

"Well," Tsunami said. "We can start by going to the mall. There's this cute outfit that I saw, and it's not too expensive."

Coral smiled. "Let's go."


Starflight was over at Sunny's house and they were playing a video game that Sunny had shown him. It was a racing game, and to say the least, Starflight was terrible at it.

"Beat you again!" She said. "Want to play a different game?" She asked.

"Please," Starflight replied. "I'd like to actually stop losing a video game for once."

"Okay," she said. She walked to the game console and switched the disc inside. "Here, I've got a trivia game. You could beat me at that."

"Cool," Starflight said. "Why, can I talk to you first?"

"Yeah, sure." Sunny said. "What's up?"

"So, I just wanted to clear the air," he said. "Before I started liking Fatespeaker, I had a huge crush on you. Like I had one from kindergarten to 8th grade."

"Really?" Sunny asked. "You know, you could have told me."

"I was really scared." Starflight said. "But I'm happy with Fatespeaker, so don't worry about it."

"Okay." Sunny said. "Thanks for telling me."

"It's taken me awhile to get the guts to do it," Starflight said.

"Well, I'm proud that you were able to do it." Sunny said.

"Me too."


Glory looked at the letter in front of her. She had read it every day since she had first gotten it. And she had felt better after reading it. She stood up and sighed. I'm ready. She thought. It's time to be me again.

She walked out of Deathbringer's room and saw Quickstrike with a photo album in front of her.

"Hey," she said. "I know I've been really weird when I'm here, and I'm sorry." Glory said.

"It's no problem, dear." Quickstrike replied. "I haven't been myself either."

"I want to change that," Glory said. "And I want to know more about him. I didn't get to hear much about his past, even though I've known him for years. I want to know him better than I have."

"Well," Quickstrike said. "Do you want to hear the time the day after he first met you, when he came home and said that he was going to marry you?"

"No." Glory said. "But I'd love to hear it."


I looked down at the ground and the creek at my feet. I turned my heel and ran back the way I came from, but I kept getting lost. I didn't know my way in the woods, so I just headed East, towards the rising sun. Hopefully that would take me somewhere. I kept walking East, and eventually I found a road. It was a dirt road, and there weren't any cars in sight. I followed the road to where the trees ended, and found a busier road. There still weren't any cars, but it was pavement, so I hoped that it would have more business on it. I saw a car coming, and then walked out to it, and the car pulled to a stop.

"What are you doing out here, kid?" The man in the driver's seat asked.

"I'm lost," I said. "Can you take me somewhere?"

The guy's face softened. "Yeah, kid. Sorry about me being so rude. Have you run away or something?"

"I, uh, I was camping with some friends of mine out in the woods out here, and then I got lost. I just need to get back to my city so that I can call them," I lied.

"Sure thing," The guy said. "Where you need to go?"

"Pyrrhia." I said. "I'm from Pyrrhia."

"Ah," The guy said. "You live in the big city. City folk don't know how to find their way around woods. Here, hop in."

I opened the car door and climbed in the passenger's seat. "Thank you." I said.

"It's no problem," the man replied. "What's your name, son?" He asked.

"My name," I said. "Is Deathbringer."

A/N: Well, this is it. 57 chapters, over 25,000 words, 20k+ reads, and it's done. And I want to thank every person who has read this story. Your support has meant the world. And he's, the sequel will be up soon! I will post it on June 1st, so it will be a few weeks, but I'll need time to edit the next book, and get more chapters written so that updates will be more frequent. I'd never thought I would get here, to be honest. I posted the first chapter on September 4th, 2019, and I've spent 9 months on writing this, and it's been great. 

So, just, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you enjoyed Wings of Fire (As Humans) in High School.

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