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A/N: I don't care that it's still a month until Christmas. I just couldn't really think of anything to fill in the gap, but it's November, so in my brain, it's Christmas time. I'm counting down until it's winter break. :)

Tsunami couldn't wait for Christmas. She had been pacing the entire day changing outfits constantly, and impatiently waiting for Riptide to come to her house to take her to Sunny's Christmas party, like they did every year. This would also be the first year that her and her friends had started dating, so it would be slightly different. 

And Glory and Deathbringer were a couple know, so they could no longer deny anything involving their relationship.

Her siblings were also being impatient, and it was driving Tsunamis mother, Coral, crazy. Turtle and Anemone were going to a friends house (Kinkajous, she thought) so it was their first Christmas with friends, not family. They wouldn't have as many restraints, and they would have more freedom, so they were ecstatic.


Riptide pulled up in Tsunami's driveway, and Tsunami grabbed her  bag and raced out the door, into his arms, and kissing him.

"Merry Christmas, squid-brain." She whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Tsunami." He whispered back.

She backed up. "Let's go now, before my mom catches us." She said, grinning. 


When the couple got to Sunny's house, they knocked and Sunny opened the door. 

"Hey." She said. "Come on in." She said with a wave. 

Glory and Deathbringer were already there, as were Clay and Peril. Smolder and Meerkat were helping Thorn in the kitchen, finishing their dinner. 

"Starflight and Fatespeaker are the only ones who still need to come, and then we can eat." Sunny said. 

Tsunami chuckled. "How's Clay with that?" She asked.

"Look for yourself." Sunny retorted. 

Tsunami looked at Clay sitting on the couch, slouched down, complaining to Peril, who was avoiding his gaze. 

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Sunny answered it, happy to see that a Starflight and Fatespeaker had arrived. 

Clay jumped up and hugged Starflight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." He said. 

"Why are you thanking me?" Starflight asked, obviously confused. 

"I told Clay that when everyone was here, we could eat. And your the last to arrive." Sunny interjected.

"Sorry, Clay." Fatespeaker apologized.

"LETS EAT!" Clay yelled, running to the dinner table.

Thorn sighed. "Okay, we can eat."


After the group ate, they exchanged presents (I wrote down all the presents, and it took up and entire page, and I don't feel like typing it. Sorry.) and the when Smolder gave his present to Thorn, it was a shock.

Smolder reached into his pocket, took a small box out, and got down on one knee.

"Thorn," he started. "I love you, and I know you love me, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. So... will you marry me?"

Thorn looked at Smolder, then glanced at Sunny, who nodded, and then Thorn looked back at Smolder.

"I wondered how long it would take, you frog-face." Thorn said.

"Is that a yes?" Smolder said hopefully.

"It's a yes." Thorn confirmed.

Sunny cheered, and hugged her mom, and Glory looked at Deathbringer, who handed her a large wad of cash.

"You better on this?" Tsunami asked. 

"Duh." Glory replied. "I also videotaped it."

Tsunami laughed. "You should show my mom that." 

Glory laughed. "This has been a good Christmas, on I'll definitely remember."

Tsunami quickly kissed Riptide. "It really has."

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