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A/N: Yay! I'm back! Also, I got  a laptop for my birthday, so writing should be easier, and updates more frequent. Sorry for being gone for so long;)

Starflight was really glad the Deathbringer was alive. After Deathbringer told the group what had happened, they ordered pizza.

"What do you guys want to do?" Thorn asked.

"I don't know." Tsunami said. "It's kind of weird right now. What's there to do?"

"I agree." Starflight said. "Everything is weird right now."

Thorn smiled. "Well, I can't disagree with that."

"I'm hungry." Clay said.

"Clay, you're always hungry." Tsunami said.

"We still have homework to finish." Sunny pointed out.

"Yeah, Mr. I-Just-Came-Back-To-Life here doesn't have to do homework." Tsunami said.

"Hey, I will eventually." Deathbringer protested. "And I can help."

"Deathbringer, you're terrible at school. Your grades are terrible." Glory said.

"She does have a point." Starflight said. "You aren't exactly the best at your subjects."

"I have high enough grades to get on the football team." Deathbringer said.

"Yeah, with Glory's help." Tsunami said.

"We should go play some football." Deathbringer said. "It'll be fun."

"No." Sunny, Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, and Glory said in unison.

Deathbringer put both of his hands in the air. "Okay, fine. Don't have to be so rude about it."

Glory rolled her eyes. "Deathbringer, if you want to play football, you can leave and go to Riptide's house."

"So you're saying you don't want me here?" Deathbringer asked, giving Glory a sad look.

Glory sighed. "Deathbringer, sometimes I really hate that I love you."

Starflight smiled. It was always entertaining to see Deathbringer and Glory banter and argue.

"Ah, but you love me!" Deathbringer said.

"As adorable it is to see you two argue, could you please stop for a second?" Sunny asked. "The pizza just got here, and I think Clay is going to die if he doesn't eat in the next minute."

"I'm starving." Clay said. "I haven't eaten in hours!"

Glory grinned. "I'm hungry too. C'mon, Deathboy. Stop your whining."

Deathbringer rolled his eyes. "I'm not whining. I'm complaining."

"And there's a difference?" Glory asked.

"Er—yeah. Right, Starflight?" Deathbringer said.

"Kind of." Starflight replied. "But not really."

"Starflight, you're my bro. You're supposed to support me in things like this!" Deathbringer exclaimed.

"Never have you called me your 'bro'." Starflight said. "I have no interest in being a 'bro'."

"No bromance?" Deathbringer asked. "You don't want a bro?"

"Not really." Starflight said. "If anyone's my 'bro', it's probably Clay."

"Yeah!" Clay said through a mouthful of pizza. "Starflight and I are bro's!"

Starflight smiled. "Yeah, me and Clay are bro's."

"But I can be your bro too!" Deathbringer said.

Glory gave Deathbringer a 'I'm done with you' look. "Deathbringer, you have enough of these so-called 'bro's'. Please just shut up."

"Fine." Deathbringer grumbled. "But one day, me and you will be bro's. Just you wait."

Starflight laughed. "Okay. Maybe in a few months."

Deathbringer smirked. "See?" He said to Glory. "People actually like me!"

"Keep telling yourself that." Glory said.

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