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Tsunami knew that her first day back at school wasn't going to be great as soon as Clay was asked to stay after class about five minutes into their first hour. Clay never got in trouble, and Tsunami was shocked when he did.

And it was for a stupid reason, too. Changbai was being a jerk, and Clay wouldn't stand for it. He was trying to protect Glory, and Tsunami admires Clay for that.

And her second hour was definitely better, though. It was science with Smolder, Sunny's soon-to-be step-father. And since Tsunami was one of Sunny's friends, he was nice to their class. Even though Starflight was the only other one of Tsunami's friends in the class.

"Now, class," Smolder said. "Since it's the first day back, I won't assign any homework. I just want you all to enjoy yourselves. Consider this a free period. But, tomorrow, we will be starting work. And in two days, you will have homework."

Yes! Tsunami thought. She hated homework, and was glad not to do it for a few days.

"You need to stay in your seats," Smolder continued. "And I have some science worksheets that are optional for extra credit. No phones, and keep talking at a low volume. Also, can I talk to Tsunami and Starflight for a moment in the hall?"

Tsunami stood up in her seat and cast a glance at Starflight, who nodded. They headed into the hallway and Smolder came out a few seconds later.

"I just wanted to make sure that you two are handling going back to school," he said. "Thorn has asked all of the teachers to cut you all some slack because of what you've been through. Do you guys need anything?"

"No," Tsunami replied. "Unless you can give me a free passing grade without doing any work."

Smolder smiled. "I'm afraid I can't do that. Starflight?"

"I'm fine." Starflight said. "Thank you for asking."

"That's good to hear." Smolder said. "If you need anything, I'm here. Don't be a stranger."

Tsunami smiled. "We won't."

"Alright, get back to work. I don't want to get in trouble for having you out here for too long." Smolder said.

"Who would punish you, Thorn?" Tsunami asked.

"Oh, you have no idea," Smolder replied. "She would punish me just for the fun of it."

Tsunami laughed. "She can be scary sometimes."

"I know." Smolder replied. He opened the door to the classroom, and Tsunami and Starflight walked back inside.

They sat back down in their seats, and Tsunami got out a book, but put her phone in it so that Smolder couldn't see it. She texted Glory, who was in gym, but since it was too cold outside, they were doing health.

Hey. Tsunami texted.

Hey. Glory texted back. What's up?

Not much. Tsunami replied. Smolder's giving us a free hour, and I got bored.

So you're not supposed to be one your phone and you're hiding it in a book? Glory asked.

Yeah. Tsunami said. How'd you know?

I'm smart. Glory said. I got to go. Teacher coming.

Tsunami put her phone back into her backpack. It was going to be a long day.

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