※ WeftWings ※

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"WeftWings are devoted and spiritual creatures who's tradition and steadfast loyalty bind their tribe for all eternity."


Large, slender dragons with smooth skin and scales, they have curled horns on the upper and underside of their head, and their tail ends in a firm cube-like structure as to prevent harm to the tail when they use their webs.

Their sleek skin and scales are often a slightly muted version of the bright colors of birds of paradise, their underbelly and other such areas are a paler version of that color, or a shade close to it. They will often have jagged markings that show resemblance to a tiger, these markings are often darker than their main scale color.

Their eyes are often diluted versions of the opposite of their main scale color, for example, a red dragons eye color would be a faded green.

Their scales do not change color.

At birth, all dragonets are born with pale blue eyes, but then morph into their true colors as their melatonin in the eyes increases.



They are able to maintain an average survival ability in outside territories.

There are animus dragons in their tribe, they believe it is a gift given to them by the Gods.

They can shoot thick, strong webs out of their tails, they use this to make dens, cages and other structures. They use a multitude of web types, sticky, strong and average. WeftWings are able to climb upon any thread they use, even if it's sticky.

🍈Foreign Status🍈

The WeftWings currently have an alliance with the BoulderWings.

The WeftWings have a neutral relationship with the SpectralWings and a semi-neutral relationship with the WoodWings.

The WeftWings have no current enemies.

🍈Internal Status🍈

🍈Noble Allegiances🍈
Empress- None
Emperor- Rigel
Princes- None
Princesses- None
Priest: None

🍈Commoner Allegiances🍈

Council Members: None
Military Personnel: None
Business Owners: None
Artists: None
Craftsdragons: None
Merchants: None
Medical Personnel: None
Hunters/Gatherers: None
Miscellaneous Jobs: None


WeftWings believe in a tradition called the Tribe of Skies, where their ancestors go to live in a perfected world mirroring their own. The ancestors will remain in paradise until they are forgotten, in which they fade away. They also believe the Gods live in the Tribe of Skies, and they are the ones that maintain perfection for the spirits in the afterlife. Therefor, many make it a social duty to pay tribute to the zodiacs and other astronomical signs. On top of this, they believe the Emperor or Empress as well as Priests of the WeftWing tribe receive approvals and blessing from the Gods of the Tribe of Skies.

The WeftWings have three official holidays throughout the course of a year, but also celebrate hatching days and appointing of royal and religious workers.

- Noble Hatching Days
The kingdom will formally celebrate the Hatching of the royal dragons.

- Hatching Day
Dragons will celebrate their Hatching day with friends and family.

- Zodiac Fortnight
A custom created by the WeftWings to welcome entry of their ancestors into the world of the living, although not visibly. Like the more Spanish and Mexican influenced traditions, they must commemorate each of their ancestors within the bloodline by leaving an item close to that ancestors heart on a family Altar. The first day of the Zodiac Fortnight is preparation of the dead to arrive. The second day is brought by their god, Aquarius, who leads the oldest generations to see their loved ones; during this time they celebrate and worship the god of air through sporting and competitive airborne activities. The third day is brought by their god, Pisces, who leads the second to oldest generations to see their loved ones; during this time they celebrate and worship the god of water through competitive and celebratory aquatic activities. The fourth day is brought by their god, Aries, who leads the third to oldest generation to their loved ones, they again celebrate with fire related activists. The fifth day is brought by their god, Taurus who brings the fourth oldest generations to their loved ones, they celebrate with earth-ground related activities. The sixth day is brought by their god, Gemini who brings the middle generation to their loved ones, the tribe celebrates with unity and fellowship between one another type of activities. The seventh day is brought by their god, Cancer who brings the second to middle generation to reunite with loved ones, they celebrate with activists of the night and moonlight. The eighth day is brought by their god, Leo who brings the third to middle generation as they celebrate through sun and celestial related events. The ninth day is brought by their god, Virgo where they celebrate nature and plant life while the fourth to middle generation arrives. The tenth day is brought by Scorpio where they celebrate victory over other tribes and winning in general, while the fifth to middle generation arrives. The eleventh day is brought by Sagittarius where the sixth to middle generation arrives, they celebrate with actives revolving around precious gems. The twelfth day is brought by their god, Capricorn, where they celebrate the seasonal rains and storms as the final and youngest generations arrive. The thirteenth and fourteenth day's are devoted to clean up the messes a nearly two week long party would leave behind.

- Appointing of an Emperor/Empress or Priest
The tribe celebrates the appointing of a new royal or religious worker.

- Scorching Day
The day dragons appeared to the lands of Axylia.


No WeftWing training as a priest can move up without the current priest's blessing.

WeftWings may not cause the death of another WeftWing without being under the protection of the Axylia Solider Code.

All WeftWings living in the main city must identify as a believer of the Tribe of Skies.

No WeftWing can give away it's tribes secrets, or they will be charged with treason.

The emperor/empress' power is supreme and cannot be overridden.

The emperor or empress is not to be challenged unless they have not been blessed by the Tribe of Skies.

Gender does not determine the successor to power.

Laws may be added and withdrawn according to the word of the emperor/empress.

Dragonet are born in the same ranking as their parents, but can aspire elsewhere.

Word of the emperor/empress is law.

To insult the Emperor or empress is to insult the Gods, which results in a trial.

🍈Life Cycle🍈

-To Be Hatched Egg
-Spirit of the Tribe of Skies
-Long Passed

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