Egg Two Winner!!

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Congratulations TheShadowsOfTheLight!!!!! You won Sandstorm the Sandwing!!! :D
*Thank Butterscotch, my younger sib, for coming up with the initial design!*
Here is your dragon!!

And guess what? Here is a reference picture of him doodled by Butterscotch!

(If any of you other winners would like me to do a ref, please let me know)

And now for le info:
Name: Sandstorm
Gender: Male
Tribe: Sandwing
Winglet: Copper
Favorite Food: cake (lol)
Best Friend: [egg 6]
Relationships: None. Secretly likes Betta.
Description: Dark rusty brown scales. Diamond pattern running from neck to hind legs. Creme colored underbelly, teeth, and tongue. Wings and frill are creme fading to a light teal. Horns and claws are dark brown.
Personality: Quiet, kindhearted. Cocky, kind of a show off, especially in front of [egg 3]. Don't make him mad, he'll bite your head off.

That's it!!!

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