Just an Angry Rant...

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I never get mad but this - how could James Patterson even let this happen!?! Is he a drunk!!?!?

Here is the comment I left on that video. Let me know if you agree...


"What the friking he** is this s***!!?! This is more of a crappy tv show spinoff than a movie! Are you kidding me!?! Is this even for real?
First of all, Max's hair is not bleached white, nice, oh I just got Barbie's hair transplanted on my head. It's a matted curly blonde- brown mess.
Second of all, her wings are no bigger than that of a hummingbird's. They don't magically grow out of her back then disappear when the scene changes. No! Her wings are supposed to be these massive, amazing, strong wings that are made to lift her body more than a mile above ground!
Max is more of a over obsessed Twilight fan-freshman that wears too much makeup and nothing a kid who has been treated like s*** their entire life! And don't get me started about Fang! He is pale, lean, and quiet with looong black hair, not some living Ken doll who wants to have all the girlfriends!
Eracers ARE NOT some petheticly photoshopped vampires! Ari does not look like an emo rock star! Iggy is supposed to be blind! Nudge is not a friking celebrity who is afraid of coming within a 109 foot radius of dirt! Angel is supposed to be a little kid! I could go on forever!!
Overall, an inexperienced eight year old who just discovered Microsoft paint could have done better than this. Did the producers even look at the books? It seems to me they skimmed through some fangirl's fan fiction (no offense to those who do fanfics. A lot of them are pretty good). The camera people must be those balloon people things that are mainly used for selling cars. They wiggle and move too much! You could have at least used a tripod to hold the cameras up! This trailer makes the movie seem worse than the Percy Jackson movies. My advice: either give up or redo the whole thing. Thank you for reading."

Imagine if a Wings of Fire film was going to be made. You are all excited when the movie comes out and you watch it only to find the Skywing egg survived, the Skywings are allied with the Rainwings, Starflight dies, Clay is a girl, Tsunami was never added, the Icewings went extinct, the wold ended, and Kestrel was secretly Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. Yeah, you'd be pretty p***** too.
I do apologize if this offended people. I am only a Maximum Ride fan and has wanted a somewhat tolerable film to be released for quite some time. What a disappointment.


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