Chapter 1

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    Emerald wasn't sure how much time had past that day. Five hours? Maybe seven. It didn't matter, because all she knew was that her Mother was busy. All day, every day. She was waiting in the meeting room with Crashnova, Ash, and Tornado. Now that there was a lull in her activities, Emerald could feel the anxiety starting up again. 

    'I hope Mother is doing okay,' she thought worriedly, glancing up at the doors that faced her. She knew that the RainWing builders would be there at any moment. She also knew that letting herself get tangled up in her fear wouldn't do her any good when they arrived. Instead, the Princess chose to gaze around, taking in the meeting room. The chamber itself was rather large, with a dome ceiling full of long windows. Behind her, lined along the wall, were large windows that stretched from the bottom floor to the top of the roof. 

    In the center, directly in front of Emerald, sat a long oak table. Several pillows were laid alongside either side, indicating places for other dragons to sit. The Princess sat at the head of the table, closest to the wall of windows, in a white, cushion seat that was hung by chains from the ceiling. Red carpet covered the marble floor, with gold and silver embroidered into it. Once Emerald had examined everything to death, she redirected her thoughts to the day's events. That morning, Crashnova had taken her to the Eastern side of the Garden, where they discussed which plants would be planted where. 

    Afterwards, they walked into the main town; Paradise; to visit the local florist, Ivy, about the plants Quartz wanted. They learned that she already had stored several pots of each plant for the Queen. All they needed was to be transported. They made a date for the pots to be picked up within ten days and left. Back at the palace, they spoke to Rocky, the head chef, about the plans for the upcoming Summer's Night Festival. One dragon after another, they made plans, and more plans, and even more plans.

    Emerald didn't mind the talking, nor the walking, but she wasn't as used to it as she wished she was. The Princess sighed, wishing to be with her Mother right now. She was jolted from her thoughts as the doors suddenly swung open. One guard stood on each side of the doors, allowing three RainWings to step inside the meeting room. The first, and largest, of the group had dark blue scales with yellow and red accents. He paused when he spotted Emerald, surprise evident on his face.

    "Ah, are we in the wrong room..?" He asked tentatively, looking around worriedly. The Princess shook her head as she stood up. 

    "No, you're in the right spot. I'm Princess Emerald, Queen Quartz's daughter," she started as she approached the small group. "Mother is currently with the healers after an accident in her room. I will be going through with today's meeting, if that is alright with you," the Princess informed them. The two RainWings, that stood behind the first, shared a look between themselves. The first stepped forward, bowing.

    "Of course! I hope Queen Quartz gets better," he murmured as he stood back up. "My name is Lielo. These are my companions, Shimmer and Violet." He waved his talons at the silver-blue female, then the red-violet male. 

    "It's my pleasure to meet you all." Emerald dipped her head to the trio. She turned and waved her talons at Crashnova, who had walked over to join them. "This is my Mother's adviser, Crashnova. I assume you have been aquantianced before, correct?" The Princess asked as she looked to Lielo. 

    The RainWing nodded, dipping his head to Crashnova.

    "Yes, I had reached out to Crashnova before your Mother," he explained. She gave him a small smile, nodding.

    "Alright, well let's get this meeting started. Please, take a seat." Emerald led the group to the table, where she took a seat in the cushion chair. Crashnova and Lielo sat on the cushions to her right, while Shimmer and Violet sat to her left. 

    "Now," Crashnova started briskly, "the first thing Quartz wanted to cover was the new guard station in Swallowtail. The original was burned in a fire and Quartz has made it her top priority to get it rebuilt." He unrolled a long scroll, dragging a talon down the list.

    'This is gonna take awhile,' Emerald thought with a pang. 'How can Mother do it all?' She glanced up, and from across the room, her eyes met Ash's. At first, his face was unreadable, but then a small smile broke across his face. Heart fluttering, Emerald smiled back at him, unable to help herself. It was as if they were the only ones in the room. 

    They were in their own world, just the two of them.

    "Ahem! Princess Emerald!" The black female was snapped out of her thoughts by Crashnova's annoyed huff. "Are you gonna pay attention now?" He grunted, looking at her pointedly. Across from him, Violet and Shimmer were giggling to each other. Her cheeks suddenly flared a light pink, not realizing that she had been distracted for so long. The two RainWings stopped, eyeing her as the color slowly ebbed away from her cheeks. 

    "Crashnova, I believe that you are embarrassing Her Highness in front of guests," Ash promptly chided the adviser, a playful grin on his face. Emerald met the guard's gaze before ducking her head in embarrassment. Crashnova's jaw opened, about to retort, but paused. He closed his mouth and swallowed, bowing his head to the Princess. 

    "My apologies, Princess Emerald," he murmured, lightly patting her talons. She dipped her head in appreciation for the apology.

    "It's okay, Crashnova. But, you were in the right. I should have been paying attention." She admitted as she did her best to regain her composure. Emerald shot Ash a look that said 'thank you.' Crashnova nodded his head and continued with the list. Emerald did her best to pay attention, but she kept spacing out, her mind wandering to her Mother. 

    'Please be okay,' she kept thinking. 'Please be okay.' Her heart kept racing, the anxiety returning to her. One of the doors suddenly flung open, causing her to jump, and a guard raced inside. She perked up, as all of the dragons jumped in shock. She opened her jaws, about to speak, but no words came out as the guard spoke breathlessly,

    "Your Highness, you must come with us! Aster said that Queen Quartz... Her condition is worsening." 

    Emerald stared, her body practically freezing in place. Everything, for a split moment, was far away. It was as if she had been tossed into a lake. Everything sounded and looked blurry. Her worries, all her fear and anxiety, was all crashing down on her. All in one, painful moment.

    She suddenly snapped out of it, her head whipping to look at Crashnova.

    "Go! I will handle this. Be with your Mother," he ordered sternly. Emerald was already racing for the doors as soon as he had said 'go.' Ash, Tornado, and the guard followed her as she bolted down the stairs that were in front of her. They were on the top floor, the fourth one, but she raced down those stairs like she was being chased by her Mother's killer. Behind her, she could hear Ash and Tornado warning dragons to get out of the way. 

    Many of them scrambled out of the way just in time for Emerald to rush past them without stopping. Once she hit the second floor, she jumped off the banister and shot out of the opened double oak doors. She veered slightly, now on the course to the healer's hut. She flew over the trees and it was in that moment she realized her heart was pounding anxiously. Her chest felt like it was being crushed on all sides.

    'This is all wrong,' Emerald thought, beating her wings as fast as she could. 'She shouldn't be dying! She should be home, in the palace, meeting with Leilo about the buildings.' Tears pricked her eyes as the realization was hitting her. Her Mother was dying. The thought rang through her head like a bell being hit over and over.

    The anxiety caused her to gasp and falter, her head becoming light. Talons brushed against her shoulders and she looked up to see Ash. Wings brushed her talons and she looked below her to see Tornado. They didn't say anything, but she didn't need them to. They were there for her, whether she fell or stood. They were there.

    The healer's hut came into view and the Princess hurried forward, shooting for the platform. A single guard stood outside the door, who dipped his head to her as she landed and flung herself inside. Emerald came to a halt, tears welling in her eyes. Aster and Quake stood beside Quartz, gently soothing her. The Queen's face was contorted with pain and misery. The wound on her thigh was pitch black and inky black veins spread throughout her silvery-gold scales. 

    "Mother," she choked out, stepping closer. Aster and Quake looked up before shuffling away from the Queen and Princess. Quartz struggled to lift her head, but managed a smile. Emerald rushed to her side as Quartz rasped,

    "Emerald.. you're here." She grabbed her Mother's talons in her own, not able to speak as tears started to roll down her cheeks. The Queen coughed violently before she could say anything. "I.. never thought I'd go out like this," she started after her coughing fit. "I always believed.. that I would die peacefully.. in my own bed..." She paused, struggling to take a deep breath in, before continuing.

    "After your Father died.. I promised myself.. that I would live long enough.. to help teach you... To show you what love truly is... that you could live independently..." Once again, she paused, wheezing. In this gap, Emerald squeezed Quartz's talons and the Queen looked up at her.

    "You are the best teacher and Mother any dragon could have asked for," the Princess reassured her. "You are my best friend and I couldn't have asked for a better one." Her words were cut off by her loud sob. She pressed her forehead against her Mother's neck, wanting to forget this was happening. She prayed and prayed, hoping that it was just a cruel dream. 'Please, Father, let this be a nightmare!' She willed. 

    Gentle talons lifted the Princess' head. Quartz's eyes glowed with her own tears.

    "You have made me the proudest Queen in all of Pyrrhia… I never wished to go out like this.. but, I am grateful to know that you will be replacing me… Lead this Kingdom with bravery and kindness, my precious daughter… I will be watching over you.. alongside your Father…" A cold stone was pressed into Emerald's palm and Quartz closed the Princess' talons around the object. The Queen's sapphire eyes finally spilled her tears, pain and anguish reflecting in both of their eyes.

    After several minutes, Quartz laid her head down and closed her eyes, letting out a long and painful sigh. Emerald watched in horror as her Mother's chest slowed to a final stop. Everything was completely still.

    'No,' she thought as her heart beat painfully. 'No, no, no!' Eyes widened, the Princess reached out and shook her Mother's shoulder. No flickering of her eyes. No gentle shove back. No heartbeat against her talons. 

    Nothing but complete stillness. 

    The Princess' thoughts ran wild with fear, her body tensing. "No!" Emerald's sudden scream broke the unnerving silence. Behind her, the guards and healers flinched at the horrid sound. She fell upon her Mother, sobs taking control of her body. Ash and Tornado shared a pained look, unsure of what to do. They all remained silent for several minutes as they watched Emerald

    "What do we do now?" One of the guards finally asked, his voice soft. Ash looked to the guard, then back at Emerald. He knew she was in no state to be giving out orders. With a deep frown, the blue male turned to the two guards.

    "I want you both to go see Ignite and tell him of Quartz's death. After you have told him, you will join the other guards in the barracks and inform them as well. You will be calm and collected. This is a serious issue and Ignite will be the one to tell the Kingdom unless Emerald takes it upon herself to do so. Is this clear?" Despite Ash being many years younger than them, the guards nodded solemnly and left the hut.

    With a sad sigh, he turned towards Emerald, who continued to sob uncontrollably. Side by side, the royal guards approached her, both laying next to her. The healers went about, cleaning whatever could be cleaned, wanting to ignore what just happened.


    Ash wasn't sure how much time went by when Ignite showed up. However, he despised the look on his face. Ignite appeared both furious and sad, a combination that didn't look pleasant. The burly guard silently approached, shaking his head as he looked at Quartz. "How long?" He growled, looking at Ash. The younger male shrugged.

    "Not sure. We've been like this since…" he trailed off, looking at Emerald. Her sobbing had stopped, but she remained still, her green eyes staring at the wall. Ignite grunted, directing Ash's attention back to him.

    "I'll ask Aster and Quake for a rope hammock and we'll carry her back to the palace. Crashnova has already, uh.. reached out about a coffin." He shuffled his talons, his face flickering with uncertainty for a split second. "We'll keep her body in it until Emerald decides a funeral day." The normally stoic head guard looked like he was struggling greatly. Ash felt pity build up in his gut, but he nodded in understanding and watched as the older dragon stalked off. 

    Tornado glanced over at Ash, staring at him for a few moments, before he nudged Emerald with his talons.

    "Come on, you need to get up," the gray dragon rumbled. "I know you don't want to move, or do anything, but we need to. She can't stay here…" His voice was soft from a lack of use, but deep. Emerald remained still for many minutes, then turned her head, only to glare daggers at Tornado. He snorted, a plume of smoke trickling from his nostrils, as he rolled his eyes. 

    "Emerald, you need to get up. You are the Princess, soon to be Queen, of the Hybrid Kingdom. Your Mother would expect you to mourn, but not by sobbing and laying over her body," the guard pressed. Finally, she lifted her head, her emerald green eyes staring straight at Tornado. Her lips twitched in the beginning of a snarl, but she was distracted by a wing brushing against hers. She twisted around to see Ash looking at her, sympathy evident in his eyes.

    But she saw deeper into his eyes and knew what he was saying. She whipped her head to look at Tornado, who's eyes held the same thing. Emerald shakily took in a breath, fresh tears welling in her eyes. In that moment, Ignite stalked back into the room, a large rope hammock in his talons. She glanced at him and let out her shaky breath. With a painfully beating heart, Emerald hauled herself to her feet. 

    Only to remember the stone that she held in her talons. Lifting it up into the light, she realized it was a large emerald, melded to a golden chain. Tears slid down her face as she slipped the chain over her head. She studied it, the emerald sitting right in the center of her chest, then looked up. The guards were watching her, waiting quietly and patiently. Swallowing, Emerald nodded to Quartz's body.

    "Let's move her," she rasped, her voice hoarse from the sobbing. Together, the four dragons spread out the rope before carefully lifting Quartz into it. They dragged her body out on the rope until they were standing on the marble platform outside of the hut. "Ready?" Emerald asked, her heart sitting heavy in her chest. The males nodded and each dragon grasped a long string of rope. They lifted up into the air and began to fly towards the palace.

    They flew slowly and they all remained silent, grief overwhelming each of them. The sky was beginning to turn black and purple, the sun nearly sunk beneath the trees and ocean in front of them. Beneath them, they could see the flickering of lit torches, creating a path towards the palace. It was a painful reminder for Emerald. All she could think about were the times her Mother took her night flying. The painful, yet happy, memories washed over her.


    It was a briskly cold night. The three moons were just slivers in the sea of black. Two dragons stood on a balcony that overlooked a large forest. A black dragonet looked up at the larger, silvery-gold one. "Are we really going flying now?" The dragonet had asked. The older dragon let out a hearty laugh.

    "Of course, my Little Gem. Flying in the night is excellent practice for flying in the day. If you can learn to maneuver decently in the night, then you will maneuver excellently in the day." Without another word, the Queen suddenly launched herself off the balcony. The dragonet squealed, looking over the railing, when the dragoness shot past her and into the air. "Well, come along, Emerald!

    "We don't have all night!" The Queen's sapphire blue eyes were filled with amusement. With a grin, the dragonet jumped off the railing, flapping her wings to keep herself up. While she wasn't as graceful as Quartz, she managed to keep herself in the air. Quartz flew away from the palace, flying towards the West of the Kingdom. Emerald hurried after her, excitement buzzing in her talons.

    The dragonet wasn't sure how long it took to get to the peak that overlooked the forest, but she did know she was exhausted. When she touched down on the stone, Emerald collapsed happily onto the cool ground. Quartz chuckled as she landed beside her daughter. "You'll get used to it, over time," she reassured her worn out daughter. Emerald looked up at her, nodding, as she panted. Quartz looked over the edge of the stone, watching as the forest flickered with torches.

    Emerald forced herself up and joined her mother. She peered over the edge and noticed a certain pattern in the torches. It suddenly dawned on her that it made a path. 

    "What's that?" She asked, pointing a talon at the row of torches. Quartz grinned, her eyes softening.

    "That's the path back to the palace," she explained. "I had it made so when you were flying by yourself, you would know how to find your way home." Emerald looked up at Quartz, blinking happily.

    "Really?" She whispered. Quartz continued to grin as she faced her dragonet.

    "Yes, really," she murmured, pressing her forehead to Emerald's. The dragonet suddenly yawned, a warm smile still on her face. "I suppose it's time to go home. Come here, I'll carry you this time." The dragoness scooped the dragonet into her arms before flying back towards the palace. Emerald snuggled herself into the warm embrace of her Mother, wishing she could stay like that forever.


    Emerald was jolted from her memory when they began descending towards the palace entrance. The same crowd, from this morning, was standing there. However, more dragons had joined the group, as if waiting for them. The dragons moved out of the way as the group carefully placed Quartz on the section of marble.

    "Three moons, it's true!" A voice hissed from the crowd. More shocked murmurs and voices echoed from the hybrid dragons. Emerald looked at them, unsure of what to do or say. She was saved by Ignite, who stepped up beside her.

    "We will be loading Queen Quartz into a coffin and she will remain there as we plan the funeral. All of you will need to rest for the night. The next several days will be very busy," the head guard growled. At first, the crowd hesitated, before they started slipping back inside the palace. Crashnova, who had been standing in the center of the crowd, rushed forward. 

    "Come along, Princess, you need some rest, too." The adviser grabbed hold of her forearm and began to gently pull her to the palace. She blinked and looked back at Ash and Tornado. She wasn't sure what to do, follow Crashnova or help the guards move her Mother into the coffin? Her stomach told her to help the guards, but her body was becoming tired.

    "Go on. We'll be there soon. I promise," Ash decided for the Princess, giving her a sad smile. She nodded slowly, watching as the guards prepared to fly with Quartz's body. Crashnova gently tugged on her arm and she sighed as she followed the adviser inside. The pair began to walk up the wide staircase that led up to the second floor. The flooring was white marble, with all sorts of gem inlay.

    On the second floor, Emerald veered sharply to the left and slunk down the corridor. She had stopped when she stood in front of a dark red door. She turned the knob and stepped into the room, looking around warily. Inside, it was the same as she had left it. There was pink carpeting, a black hammock hanging from the ceiling, some scattered jewelry and coins. She stepped inside, hoping that the feeling of being in her room would make her happier.

    But it didn't. Instead, she felt hollow, as if a dragon had reached its talons into her chest and removed her heart. Crashnova watched her silently, his face unreadable. Emerald approached the nearest torch and lifted it from its holder. She built up her fire before shooting a small blast of it. It burst to life, the flames casting shadows across the room.

    She went around the room, lighting each torch, until all were flickering with bright red blazes. 

    "I'll be fine, Crashnova. It shouldn't take them much longer to finish." The Princess turned to him, her eyes glazed over. He hesitated for a heartbeat, then nodded.

    "Alright, Princess. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come get me," he murmured. He slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Suddenly, Emerald felt more lonely than she ever had in her entire life. It was crushing, as if a mountain was suddenly placed on top of her, threatening to crush her beneath its weight. She sighed heavily, turning and climbing into the hammock. She curled into a tight ball, using her tail to cover her snout.

    This was the first time she had ever been left alone. Ash and Tornado had practically been with her ever since the day she had hatched. And now, they were with Ignite, carrying her Mother's dead body into a coffin. While she did what? She lay in her hammock, trying to act as if nothing had happened. As if she would fall asleep and wake up to find that it was all a dream. 

    But no sleep came, and she never woke up from the dream she hoped she was living in. Emerald heard the shuffling of talons outside of her room, and at first, she tensed at the thought of her mother's attacker standing outside her very own door. However, she shook her head roughly. 

    'Stop it. There is no way they could get in,' she scolded herself, letting out a grunt. Laying her head back down, she closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep. A scream filled the air, jolting Emerald out of her drowsy state. Immediately, she leapt out of the hammock and bolted out the door. The dark brown dragon, from this morning's crowd, was pinning a pale green female against the wall. Emerald's eyes widened as she recognized the dragoness. 

    It was Tornado's Mother, Willow.

    "You killed her!" The male was roaring in Willow's face. "You're the only SandWing that knows where Queen Quartz slept!" The roaring brought out the attention of several others, including Tornado's Father, Stagmite. 

    "Get off of her!" Stagmite shouted, desperately trying to pull the dragon off his mate. Instead, he was shoved away, toppling over himself. Raw anger filled Emerald as she watched the exchange. Silently, too silently for a dragon of her stature, she stalked behind the dark brown male. She raised her tail, and with a sickening crack, she watched as he gasped and crumpled to the floor. 

    She had slammed her tail into his upper back, forcing the air out of his lungs. Emerald stepped around the dragon, lips twitching into a snarl.

    "Terra, what in the three moons are you thinking!" She hissed in his face. He didn't say anything, but she could smell the alcohol on his breath. Emerald lifted her head when she heard the sound of talons on marble. Tornado and Ash were rushing up the stairs, their faces contorted into shock and anger.

    "Mom!" Tornado yelled as he ran to Willow's side. She was being helped up by Stagmite, who looked dazed from what happened. Together, they got her to her feet, while onlookers whispered to each other. All of their eyes were wide in shock at what they just witnessed. Emerald and Ash stood over Terra, watching him carefully.

    "Where's Ignite?" She asked, realizing the broad dragon wasn't with them. Ash looked over his shoulder, as if he didn't know it either, then looked back to her.

    "I believe he's saying his final farewells," he murmured only for her to hear. She glanced at him, recognizing the look in her friend's eyes. The Princess nodded and turned to the other dragons.

    "Are you okay, Willow?" Emerald asked loudly, her tail flicking. She could see the beads of red as they dripped from the claw marks. The SandWing nodded, eyeing Terra as he finally stood up. Ash moved around so that he stood in front of the four dragons, keeping the two groups separated. "Will you be able to take care of those?"

    Emerald asked, waving her claws at the marks. Stagmite nodded.

    "Yes, we can. Thank you, Emerald," he muttered in response. She nodded curtly.

    "Tornado, feel free to go with them. Me and Ash will take care of Terra," she reassured him. At first, he gave her a tight frown, but after a stern look from her, he helped Willow back to his parents' room. Emerald and Ash redirected their attention to the dark brown dragon, who was eyeing them cautiously. "Terra, this sort of behavior is unacceptable. Whatever you believe personally does not give you the right to attack another dragon.

    "For the next two days, you will have to be held in the palace cells." The Princess growled, her tail lashing. Terra flattened his ears, but didn't say a single word as he was herded away by the pair of dragons. They descended the stairs to the first floor, where they directed him to the space between the stairs and wall. A single, metal door stood in the wall underneath the stairs. Emerald opened it, nodding to Terra, who walked past her and down the new set of metal stairs. 

    At the bottom, there were two rows of barred cells. To the left of the room, was a black and white dragon that sat behind a single oak desk. He wore a pair of glasses and his icicle-like frill stuck up in the air as he read a small book. Emerald coughed to get his attention, causing him to look up, a bit startled. 

    "Your Highness, a pleasure to see you. Ah, who do we have today?" He leaned down behind the desk and pulled out a rather large, leather bound book. He placed it on the desk and flicked it open before looking back up at Emerald.

    "This is Terra, a Mud-NightWing. He attacked Willow, the garden caretaker, after..." She trailed off, finding herself at a loss for words.

    "He attacked another dragon without any evidence of her doing a crime. He is to be held here for two days," Ash explained, stepping up next to the Princess. She gave him a grateful look before looking back at the other dragon. He nodded as he took out a bowl of ink and a quill, quickly scribbling something down. Terra hunched in on himself, looking like a dragonet who had been scolded. 

    "Okay, right this way, Terra," the rather chipper male called. He pulled down a ring full of keys from a hook in the wall before walking to the first cell. He opened the door, waving Terra inside. The Mud-NightWing shuffled into the cell and the door was shut and locked behind him. "Alright, he will be receiving three meals each day while he remains here and in two days, will be released," he informed Emerald and Ash. They nodded in acknowledgment and they left the cell room.

    Once back on the second floor, they met up with Tornado.

    "How is she?" Emerald asked the Sand-NightWing. He shook his head, huffing a plume of smoke.

    "She'll be fine, physically, but mentally... She's a bit shaken up," he admitted. Emerald gently placed her talons on his shoulder.

    "Go be with her. Ash and I will be fine," she told him. He looked at her, surprised.

    "Are.. are you sure?" Tornado asked, eyeing her curiously. Emerald nodded.

    "Yes, I am sure. Go be with your family. That's an order." Tornado gave her a small smile before briefly hugging her.

    "Thank you," he whispered to the dragoness. Once they parted, he hurried back to his parents' room. Emerald and Ash watched him go, one in deep thought, the other losing all feeling. The thudding of talons made them spin around. Ignite now stood behind them, his head tilted. 

    "What are you two doing?" He grumbled. Ash and Emerald shared a look and the Princess explained what had occurred. The more she talked, the deeper Ignite's frown grew. "That's not good. Are you sure two days is long enough?" His eyes and face were as unreadable as ever, but a slight hint of worry could be heard in his voice. 

    Emerald nodded.

    "Yes, it should. And if he gets into any more trouble, he'll be stuck there longer," she reassured him. The guard grunted, his tail flicking.

    "Fine, but you two need to get some sleep. Now," he ordered. The pair dipped their heads before scurrying away. Ignite watched them leave, a deep and sad sigh leaving his snout.


Author's Note

What do you think of the story so far?

Is it too slow, or too fast?

Do you like or dislike the characters?

For a word count, I got 5,140 words.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave a vote if you did ^-^ it lets me know that you're enjoying the story :D

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