Chapter 2

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   Storm flew into the line of dragons awaiting the queens advice. His scales where dark purple with streaks of crimson throughout. He waited for what seemed for hours, and finally , it was his turn with the queen.

  "You-" he began "You May punish me for this." Queen Glory looked concerned. 

  He continued "I-I was just too angry, your majesty." Glory face morphed into a frown, she understood where this was going.

   "I'm sorry, I was planning to leave the rainforest, and this Nightwing kept bugging me-" 

   "I've heard enough." The queen said in an upset, but calm tone. "Did you actually hurt anyone?" She asked

   "No..." he responded, his voice shaking.

   "Good. Like you said, you where angry, just don't let it happen again." She responded, starring Storm in the eyes.

   "It won't, and least not underneath your control..." Queen Glory looked confused, he noticed and continued with "I'm leaving the forest"

   The Queen's scales turned grey as she began "Don't punish yourself, let this be a warning."

   "I was already planning on leaving before this!" And with that, he flew out of the hut.

   Storm took off into the sky, he had enough of this place! He was about to start flying when he heard Wingbeats behind him. He spun around, sure enough, that Nightwing was there.

   "Get away!" He shouted "I'm a murderer!" His words faltering at the last part. 

   "Almost. Almost a murderer." She replied "I shouldn't have bugged you, but please calm down."

   "Listen, I'm sorry. That better? Now I can leave with nothing worrying my mind!"

   "Go where?" She replied, sounding the same as when she asked the question the first time, but with more concern. "Rainwing, Go Where!"

   "Away from here" He sniffled, and started flying off. He was stopped by talons gripping his back.

   "Your not going anywhere" She said with a sigh, starting to fly him down to the ground.

   She was much heavier than Storm, and could easily take him out of the sky. She spun him around, and stared into his light blue eyes. His scales where a dark grey with swirls of red through them. 

   "Stop struggling! You're not getting away" She said with a grin "I will take you to Queen Glory if you don't stop!"

   Storm sighed. his body becoming limp "W-What do you want. I already said sorry..."

   "I want you to cheer up!" She said, moving his mouth into a grin. Storm slapped her hand off, but smirked a bit. "Why are you leaving?"

   Storm wasn't sure if he could trust this dragon, but stared into her bright green eyes. "I'm leaving because I Hate Nightwings. Well, not you, I mean I don't like you but-"

   She looked at him, and put her finger over his mouth "Shh. It is ok, tell me what you don't like about us?"

   Storm looked away, did he really have to say what was bothering him? However, before he could think too much about it, words started pouring out.

   "I don't like how you guys break the trees, and how you eat the wildlife. I hate how mysterious you guys are, and-and how stupid I feel right now" His voice faded.

   The next thing Storm saw was her arm around his shoulder. A few specks of pink fading into his scales. He didn't like this, being comforted by a Nightwing, but at the same time, she was making him more calm.

   "Stop feeling guilty. Is there anything else you're willing to tell me?" Storm shook his head.

   Queen Glory came rushing into the forest, and saw the have broken down Storm in a Nightwing's arm. She thought it was weird and stared for a second, and waked up to them. Thoughts came rushing in her mind, Deathbringer. She then cleared her throat, and spoke

   "I- Storm? Is that you?" She said, a warm smile plastered on her face. "Before you say anything, don't leave! We- I am not upset with you, mistakes happen."

   "Storm?" The Nightwing popped into the conversation "That is an interesting name." Storm nodded.

   Storm was very embarrassed, the Nightwing now knew his name. He turned Crimson, and wiggled out of the Nightwing's Grasp.

   The Nightwing noticed, and smiled her warm smile. "Queen Glory" She spoke "I didn't know he was needed, may we talk together?" She asked as Glory nodded.

   She knew, however, that Storm wasn't ready to be left alone, and secretly asked Glory to tell him something. "Storm. Here. Now" she said in a calm but serious tone, Storm walked up to her "I have rethought about your punishment, Deathbringer will be watching you with a close eye..."

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