Chapter Four

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Arrow kept his head low as he hurried through the hallway, past the living room and toward his own bedroom.  On the sofa in the living room, Arrow caught a glint of dark orange scales that told him his father was in there, sleeping.  Not that he couldn't figure it out by the house-shaking snoring rumbling out of Hearth's mouth.

If Arrow woke him up, he'd be mad.  The young hybrid was extra careful closing his door.  When he was safely inside, he breathed a sigh of relief and curled up in his nest. 

Currasow, he thought angrily, tail lashing.  He doesn't deserve Sei.  He had a whole dinner to talk to her and he didn't!  How could she want to be with someone who didn't even pay attention to her?  He realized that his claws were digging into his wrist in frustration, and let go quickly.  But... could I do better?  Would I be able to treat her better than that, if she... if we... probably not. 

Arrow thought about his parents, and how Hearth always used to hurt Gleam whenever he was angry.  Well, he thought glumly, at least Currasow doesn't hit Sei. 

The train roared past, making Arrow's heart jolt.  A vivid scene flashed before his eyes—train tracks, silver scales... blood, blood, blood.  He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut until it faded, and then let out a shaky breath. 

He found himself wishing to see Swamp.  Sometimes, if he was out in the yard during the day, she'd stop the train and say hello to him.  There was always an air of sadness and guilt about her.  Even though it wasn't her fault, Gleam's death had definitely affected her. 

Not as much as it affected... still affects me, Arrow thought, sinking back down into his nest.  His mind wandered back to Sei... unsurprisingly.  Where was she now?  That was a dumb question.  She was at home, maybe already in bed, possibly still up and playing cards with her mom and dad.  Sometimes Sei's family invited Arrow to play games with them, and he was grateful for that.  Tonight, though, Sei would probably just want to rest after a stressful evening, if he knew her. 

I should, too, Arrow thought, closing his eyes.

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