Chapter 1

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   "Get to work!" Blattodea yelled to the Mainly purple silkwing. His pale blue eyes looked at her with sadness, but Dea payed no mind.

   "I want this done by nightfall!" She demanded, clapping her talons together as more silkwings appeared before her. 

   Blattodea had gotten the easy way in life, never having to do much work other then school. Her family was so rich, with so many silkwings, why would she? 

   She got off her bed of silk and stared at the small dollhouse with many silk wings surrounding it, she had to admit, to herself, that it looked quite decent. She then heard the door of the cell open, and flew down from her room to greet her parents.

   "Hello, Dea!" Her mom called, a big bag in her hands. "I got something for you!"

   "What is it!" Blattodea asked excitedly, before grabbing the bag and opening it.

   "Dewdrops! I wanted the honeysuckle candy! Oh well, this will have to do..." She said, grumbling. She popped one in her mouth, sure these were expensive, but they got them every time they went out. It was getting boring.

   "Sorry sweetie, I'll try to remember that." Centipede responded before clapping. A few servants, as they always called them, ran up to her, as she told them the shopping list for tomorrow.

   "I want to go out and see the town! Why don't you ever let me!" Dea growled, eyeing her father.

   "Sawyer, I think she is old enough, we could let a few servants deal with whoever was out there." Her dad gave a quick nod, before speaking.

   "But, what if people try to hurt her!" Sawyer said, clearly worried.

   "The servants would never let that happen!" Her mom responded in a calm, but firm, tone.

   "How do you know!"

   "I just do, now let her go."

   Blattodea sighed, her dad was always too afraid of everything, and that didn't help calm her nerves. But as Centipede reminded her, some servants will be by her side.

   "I'm going, Gypsy, Atlas, come!" She called out. They appeared by her sides seconds after.

   Then, Dea walked right out of the door, she was done with her parents not letting her go out, she needed freedom.

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