Chapter two

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"What?", Sloth shouted. "Aren't you exicted?", Galaxy asked. "No! I don't want to go! The school of the colourfull rainbow is great too. Why should I leafe the Rainforest for another School?", she answered.

"Because the academy is AMAZING and this will be the BEST year we will ever have in our whole life!", Galaxy hold up.

Sloth grabbed the little bag at her neck. Inside was a little wood panel with her name. That was the only thing she has from her parents. The parents who leafe her alone in the Rainforest for an unknown reason. Nobody said her more about that but Sloth wasn't stupid.

She knew that she wasn't a normal Rainwing. She can't change her color. She can't camourflag and with that she isn't typical. She was a outsider. Her Color was everyday a dark red with Blue and yellow Spots. She looked like a poison frog!

Maybe my parents don't hate me. What if somebody STOLE me? What if they are looking for me? But if I go they will never find me! This why I have to stay here.

"No Galaxy. I don't want to go. I have a live here in the Rainwing village!", She explained. "You know they will never come back!", her friend shouted angry. Tears rolled down Sloth cheek.

"No! They will come and then I will be here and not in a stupid school!" With that she ran away.

She doesn't know anything! She doesn't know how it feels without parents who maybe hate you! She will never understand!

Sloth didn't watch forward and before She knew she fall backwards. "Ufff", somebody made. It was a black and green Rainwing with purple eyes which scanned her. "Uhm. I'm so sorry", Sloth answerd shooking her head.

"Are- are you alright?", the Black Rainwing wanted to know. "Yes-yes I'm and you?" Now the other dragonet smiled. "I think nothing is broken."

Is he thinking that this is funny? "What are you doing here alone in the Rainforest?", he asked. Should I tell him? It's not his business! The same I can ask him!

"I-I needed some fresh air", Sloth explained looking down of her claws. Another smile. "Me too. My name is... Shadow and yours?"

Shadow? Like Shadowclaw the Rainwing prince? No! He doesn't looks like a Prince. No Accessoires or some other royal stuff... He looks a little sad. Is he alright? I never saw him in the Rainwing village before.

"Sloth", she said shy. Now Shadow started to laugh. "Like a Sloth? Are you as slow as one?" Is he wanting that I get angry or is he only... playing. "I'm sure I will beat you in a race!", he shouted. Now I'm sure that he is only kidding on me!

"You shouldn't be so sure!", Sloth hold up quietly. "Who is first at the Rainwing village!", Shadow challenged her. With that words he flied fast away. Should I join? Why not?

Sloth started to follow him and after a few minutes they was the same stand. "Oh. You are a fast flyer!", Shadow noticed. She blushed a little.

If he want to win he shouldn't talk that much. Sloth used the tree climbing to be as fast as a monkey.

"Hey thats unfair! you cheat", he shouted smiling. But even now he was a little faster then Sloth and won the race.

"Wow. You-you are a realy fast Sloth", Shadow admitted. Sloth didn't answered. she was to out of breath. "Hey. Do you go to Jade mointain too? Because I do", he said.

He will go to? I didn't remember this name in Tsunamis list. Mysterious. "Yes", she answered watching a little worm crawl over her always red claw. "Cool!", he shouted.

Maybe. If there are Dragons like him... Maybe I'm going to like the academy then.

"Thank you", Sloth said. "Why?" She didn't answerd. "Sloth? Where are you?", she heard Galaxy shouting. "I-I have to go! See you later!", she said running to her friend. Shadow wanted to say something but it was to Late.

Maybe I'm going to learn at Jade Mountain. Maybe...

Huff... Sorry for the short chapter again but I hope you liked it. Do you want your OC in my story? Only ask...

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