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Clay (0 kills, alive, bow and arrow)

Sora (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Tsunami (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Turtle (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Anemone (0 kills, alive, tent)

Riptide (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Glory (0 kills, alive, poison/acid)

Kinkajou (0 kills, alive, poison/acid)

Jambu (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Starflight (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Fatespeaker (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Thoughtless (0 kills, alive, 2 throwing knives)

Moonwatcher (0 kills, alive, tent)

Deathbringer (0 kills, alive, 4 throwing knives)

Sunny (0 kills, alive, tent)

Qibli (0 kills, alive, 2 throwing knives)

Winter (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Snowfall (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Lynx (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Peril (0 kills, alive, poison/acid)

Flame (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Blue (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Luna (0 kills, alive 2 throwing knives)

Swordtail (0 kills, alive, bow and arrow)

Cricket (0 kills, alive, 2 throwing knives)

Lightning (0 kills, alive, tent)

Sundew (0 kills, alive, bow and arrow)

Willow (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Oak (0 kills, alive, bow and arrow)

In the forest, there were 11 different areas, each holding 2-4 people, all from the same district.  They were briefed on the rules that they all knew.  On the first day, don't kill anyone from your own district, if you refuse to fight your family could be killed, be ruthless, don't try to escape.  All else would be chaos.

Clay walked out of the mini building with his sister.  He had his bow and arrow and she had her bag of medicine.  He really just hoped he could help her survive this, even if he didn't.


Turtle sighed as he left the building, into the forest.  He had his food, Anemone had her tent, Tsunami and Riptide had their longswords... but he was still worried.  Anemone left as soon as she could, even though the others in her district protested.  That left them with one less person and no shelter for when night would fall.


Anemone scoffed inside her head as she tromped away.  Stupid idiots, she scoffed, don't they know how loud they'll be when they're all together?  And slow.  I'll show Mom just how strong I am!  I'm not cooped up in that stupid house anymore, after this she'll have to respect me!


Jambu had already finished his sandwhich, despite Glory's protests.  The three of them had decided to stay with eachother for the first while.  Or rather, Glory allowed the others to.


Thoughtless had immediately left, quickly disappearing into the bushes.  Starflight felt Fatespeaker grab his hand and his heart fluttered, his face red.  But that didn't mean he liked her, no of course not.  He was just worried.  She was just his best friend, nothing more.


Deathbringer slipped away into the shadows leaving Moon all alone.  She quietly walked into the forest, scared and alone.  She wished that she had gotten something to defend herself instead of just a tent.


Sunny and Qibli walked into the forest, quietly talking to eachother.


Winter left in a different direction than the others, but soon Lynx caught up to him, leaving Snowfall by herself.  Winter was happy that his friend was with him, though he didn't show it.


Peril and Flame went opposite directions, never talking to one another.


Blue, Swordtail, and Luna stayed together, as they always did.  Swordtail and Luna drew their longswords, Blue nervous, hoping he wouldn't have to use the medicine that he chose.


Cricket and Lightning walked together, not talking.  Cricket knew the dangers of being loud, even though ten million questions swirled through her head.


Sundew and Willow stayed together, though it wasn't clear why.  Oak stayed with them as well, wanting to stay with his sister.  He was scared of Sundew, so he made sure not to walk next to her.


Deathbringer hummed softly to himself, not surprised that he had been a crowd favourite.


Qibli had recently moved away from Sunny, as she had wanted to check something out.  He froze, hearing something ahead of him.  He creeped forwards slowly to see a girl in a clearing, her jet black hair ruffled in the wind as she walked, clearly nervous.  But she wasn't alone.  There was someone else there, a boy with short light blue hair.  He held a longsword and was preparing to strike the girl.  

Qibli jumped forwards and threw one of his knives, which clipped the boy on the hand, making him drop the sword with a yelp.  The girl turned around quickly with a gasp before falling down and scooting into a bush.

Another girl, short blue hair striped with darker blue, strapped into the clearing, "hey, Winter, stop attacking people!"

She turned to look at both the other girl and Qibli, "I'm Lynx, my friend here is Winter.  We apologize.  What are your names?"

"I'm Qibli," he said, walking up, still brandishing his left-over knife.

"Moo- Moon," the black-haired girl stuttered.

"How about we work together, eh?" Lynx offered, "we would have a longsword, daggers, medicine and..." she glanced at Moon.

"A tent..." Moon said quietly.

"That's everything we need, right?" Lynx said.

Winter scowled, and Qibli grinned, "yeah, I'm up for an alliance."

"Fine," Winter grumped, earning him a smile from Lynx.

Everyone looked at Moon, who froze, "um... sure?"


Sunny saw two people talking to eachother, each with paler skin and jet black hair.  Sunny was trying to be quiet when she tripped on a root and tumbled over to them, yelping.

The boy screamed and jumped away, the girl laughing at her friend's antics.

The girl helped Sunny up, "you okay?"

Sunny nodded, "yeah, sorry for scaring you.  I'm Sunny."

"I'm Fatespeaker," the girl said, "my scared friend here is Starflight."

Sunny grinned, hoping she had found some friends, "thank you for not attacking me.  Do you think we could work together?"

"Sure!" Fatespeaker exclaimed, not even bothering to ask Starflight, who nodded anyways.


Lightning had lost sight of Cricket and was now alone, just waiting to be killed.  He wanted to survive, he really did.  But he knew he wouldn't last long; all he had was a tent.

Not surprisingly, soon someone dashed in front of him, throwing small silver blade at him.  One landed on each shoulder, pinning him to the tree behind him, and one slid right into his neck.


Deathbringer heard the gurgling of blood from his victim's throat and walked up to the boy, removing the throwing knives one at a time, cleaning off the blood before tucking them away.  

"One down, 27 to go," he muttered, claiming Lightning's tent.

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