Starting College

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Qibli sat in the back of his adopted Mom Thorns  car. It was his first day of college. They finally arrived at the Phyhirra college. It was a huge stone building separated into seven parts. He got out and followed Thorn into the Sandwing part. It had drawings of dragons and tapestries of lizards, snakes and then desert. His friend Winter also was with him. Winter was supposed to be an Icewing but he transferee because the headmistress in that part thought he had been killed. 

Thorn showed them the building where they slept. "These are the Sandwing sleeping quarters." She said. Sunny her daughter had been given the keys. She opened the door. It was huge. There were more tapestries. Doors lined the walls with names I braved above them. "Winter, Qibli, you are sharing with another transferee Icewing Called Lynx." Said Thorn. The boys nodded. "Sunny is Head girl of the Sandwings. And at break you can be around any part of the school." She told them. The nodded again. Qibli waved to Thorn and she waved back. They closed the sleeping quarters door and looked around to find their names. They found them near the back. Winter opened the door and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "Hi I'm Lynx" she said. "Wel Hi I'm Qibli and my staring friend here is Winter" Said Qibli. I waved. "I'll show you guys around" Said Lynx. She started walking. "This is where we cook. And there isn't the table. There is the sofa and TV." Then she opened a door and inside were a shower, bath, toilet and a sink. "That's the bathroom" she opened another door to a room with three beds. "This is where we sleep" she said. Then someone knocked on the door. Qibli answered. It was. It was. Moon. Qibli hugged her. (Qibli And Moon Are already dating) "Hey guys we are aloud to look around today since class doesn't start until Monday. And it is Friday so three days of looking around. Oh. Hi who are you?" She asked Lynx. "Hi I'm Lynx." She said flatly. Qibli linked his arm in Moons. "You wanna go look around?" He asked "Yeah. Let's go find Kink!" Said Moon. "You guys wanna come" Qibli Asked. "We will catch up" Said winter. They left and winter was alone with Lynx. "You are beautiful" he said.

"Thanks" Lynx Replied. "U-um you know that we used to play together when we were kids" Winter Said. "Yes" "Well Lynx I like you like I love you so much and you light up my world" Winter Said. She looked shocked and suddenly he felt long, small and strong arm wrap around his next and the next moment he had been pulled into a kiss. "If this is what you are asking, then yes I would love to be your girlfriend." She said when they pulled out of their kiss. Winter smiled. 

Moon and Qibli walked into the Rainwing part of the school. There were lots of bright picture and artwork students had made. There were also vines and flowers everywhere. When they walked into the gardens it was amazing flowers of every shade, trees of every kind, most plants some neither them had ever seen. And there was fruit everywhere. Suddenly they were both engulfed in a huge hug. They looked and saw Kinkajou. "Kink. Can't. Breath" they coughed together. "Oh sorry. I just missed you so much during the holidays. I can not believe Glory is I charge of the Rainwings! She is the youngest in charge ever!" Said Kinkajou. "Let's go find turtle" she said. They walked of to find the Seawing part of the school. 

Winter and Lynx were walking around the Sandwing part of the school together. They were holding hands. 

Turtle got out of his moms car as she walked of to her office. His sister had the keys and she was head girl. He looked over at the pool. He walked into the sleeping building and went into his room. He was sharing with his sister Anemone. His little sister Auklet was also staying because their dad Gill had been killed in a war. She was staying in a room with them. Tsunami was next door. Turtle got changed into his swimming trunks and walked out to the pool. Just as he was about to jump in he was tackled around the neck and he fell in. He coughed up some water then looked around and saw...


The best person in his life. She lit up his life. She smiled and he smiled back. The Moon and Qibli stepped out from behind Kink. They were both waving. Turtle swam out of the water and climbed up next to them. "Hey guys" he said. "Hi" the others said in unison" then suddenly Auklet cam running out and she ran to Kink who picked her up happily. "Hey Auky. How are you?" Asked Kinkajou happily. "Yeah I'm good  but the drive here was soooooooooooooo loooooooonnnnnnnggggg" Auklet Replied  dramatically. 

"So guys, who is Queen of every part and who is head. Well Rainwing/Nightwing leader is Glory and deputy is Starflight. Icewing is Glacier and deputy is Snowflake. Mudwing is Moorhen and deputy is Clay. Seawing is Coral and deputy is Tsunami. Sandwing is Thorn and deputy I saw Sunny. Skywing is Ruby and deputy is Peril." Said Moon.

Winter and Lynx were sitting together in the Sandwing part of the school. They were sitting on the sunning rocks. The sun was blazing today and sitting on rocks in sand it was warm and nice. 

Turtle was still working up the nerve to tell Kinkajou that he liked her. Moon and Qibli were already dating.  Winter and his new roommate Lynx would probably  be dating by now.

Kinkajou was so amazing and he loved her so much. Ever since the first day of kinder garden he had liked her. Now the were in college he had to tell her.


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