I was gonna do a hell part three, but this will be funnier, J.W. and (kinda) DOD

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Glory: bring them in


Kinkajou:*curled up in a ball*

Turtle:*runs over to her* what's wrong?

Kinkajou:*points at winter*

Turtle:*whips around* WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?

Winter: I made her mine *picks up chains*

DOD: *watching in a scared fashion*

Winter:*wraps chains around Kinkajou* she's mine to do whatever with. You back of.


Umber:*walks up with a chain around moons neck* ahh I see, the chain is catchy

Carnelian:*got chain around Qibli* I agree

Glory: dramatic! Anyways, today I want you guys to do whatever you like with your prisoners, in the open or closed of. The DOD can go.

DOD: YES! *walk of*

Winter/Umber/Carnelian: training time.

Kinkajou/Qibli/Moon:*look terrified*

Winter/Umber/Carnelian:*pin sown there prisoner Andy start kissing them.*

Sorry for the short chapter. 

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