LeafWing Hybrids - Leaf-Ice

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Names = Date of Birth
Occupation = Month


1 - Winter

2 - Drought

3 - Purslane

4 - Sunrose

5 - Floe

6 - Diamond

7 - Glaze

8 - Glacier

9 - Hail

10 - Pebble

11 - Stone

12 - Ivy

13 - Perennial

14 - Iceflower

15 - Frostflower

16 - Snowglobe

17 - Icecap

18 - Iceberg

19 - Bitter

20 - Frozen

21 - Freeze

22 - Flashfreeze

23 - Blizzard

24 - Sleet

25 - Permafrost

26 - Crystal

27 - Glade

28 - Snow

29 - Snowflake

30 - Frost

31 - Everglade


1 - Guard

2 - Lives in the Ice Kingdom

3 - Has too much ice ( Frostscales )

4 - Merchant

5 - Animus

6 - Has too little ice

7 - Prince/Princess

8 - Lives in Possibility

9 - King/Queen

10 - Lives in the LeafSilk Kingdom

11 - Flamesilk

12 - Commoner ( PEASANT )

Bonus! Zodiacs for the Circles

Circle 1 - Leo ( July 23 - August 22 )

Circle 2 - Sagittarius ( November 22 - December 19 )

Circle 3 - Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Capricorn (December 20 - January 19)

Circle 4 - Cancer ( June 22 - July 22 ) Aries ( March 21 - April 19 )

Circle 5 - Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Pisces ( February 19 - March 20 )

Circle 6 - Gemini ( May 21 - June 20 ) Scorpio ( October 23 - November 21 )

Circle 7 - Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Libra (September 23 - October 22 )

Or your not even in the circles and/or you left the circles - Gemini ( May 21 - June 20 )

I got Winter the Frostscales in the fifth circle

- 7/27/22

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