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For @-Finale-

(Takes place during and after the War of SandWing Succession)


Name: Lotus

Pretty name! I love it, and haven't seen it before.

Gender: Female(gasp)


Tribe: MudWing(moar gasp)

Our very first full MudWing OC! A round of applause for you!!

Rank: General, BigWings(Technically Princess but wants nothing to do with 'royalty smoyalty')

Ha, okay. Sounds good.

Residence: Mud Kingdom

Also good

Appearance: Thick and very bulky build, tall. Oak brown rippling, shiny scales, with lighter underscales. She has a lot of muscle on her arms, legs and wings from vigorous training and is quite beefy. Crystal clear mud brown eyes, with flecks of dark brown. She has a few orangey highlights on her face, wings, claws and a little on her tail. She has a long, clean slash scar across her right forearm when a SandWing had attempted to slash her throat, and she had blocked it with her arm.

Ooh, I love this! It's very detailed and it works well for her Tribe. The orangish parts are a nice touch. Not much else to say here, but I like it!

Personality: Often snappy and hot headed, she is very impatient and is prone to lashing out. She's often rude to others without knowing it. Despite all of this, she's not particularly aggressive, although she is rather protective. She is, however, ferociously loyal, and holds a soft spot for dragonets and other cute and cuddly things. Like mentioned, she doesn't want anything to do with royal businesses and other things, which her siblings find weird, as she's often seen as rowdy and masculine.

Good!! It fits a BigWings, they should definitely be protective and loyal. Some of it is pretty original, I like that she doesn't like being royalty. People tend to make MudWing OCs more masculine, it seems. Anyway, she has a good amount of flaws and everything fits together nicely. I like her a lot so far, great job!

Queen Chestnut(Mother)
Fear(SkyWing, mate - will be explained)
No dragonets yet, but they have three eggs waiting to hatch.

Cool names! Have you decided on names for the dragonets yet? Just curious.


Lotus was the BigWings of her six siblings, two of which were princesses. Almost immediately she took an interest in fighting, which her siblings mocked, since in their eyes it was very unlike a heir to the throne. Her sibs were absolutely trash at fighting, as a practice run showed, so she spent most of her time with a small training group as she pushed herself to the limits everyday to become a general.

Lotus was appointed to the rank of a General, and youngest since the war first began. It was proven pretty quickly she was unstoppable and fast, and she lead the MudWings into many victories.

However, during one of her battle she managed to capture an IceWing who never revealed his name to her. He often tried to make talk with her when she was on prison guard duty, but very slowly they began to talk. The IceWing was actually very sociable and caring, which was surprising. Very, very slowly, over the course of a year of talking, exchanging stories and visits, she found herself gradually falling for him.

Lotus knew this was against all the rules and laws ever established within the kingdom. But she also knew once the war ended, all the fighting against all the other tribes would stop. Following her reasoning, she secretly let the IceWing free one night, telling him to hide until the war was over so they could find each other again.

This actually was her worst mistake. Five days later, there was a huge attack from the IceWings and SandWings on the MudWings, fueled by information from the spy. She met him mid battle, and out of her hurt and fury she killed him before he could even speak. This was also the battle where Crane died. Ever since, she has a distance hated of IceWings and everything IceWing, seeing all of them as liars and betrayers. "16+

Lotus thought she would never fall in love again, but this was proven wrong. Barely two months after the attack her life was saved by a SkyWing when a SandWing jumped out of nowhere and tried to stab her in the back. Post battle, the SkyWing said his name was Fear, and that he'd be perfectly happy to save her life again anytime.

She thought he was joking, but he took those words very seriously. A number of embarrassing fails later, she finally cornered him to ask him his reasons for doing this. He didn't answer, but he departed back to the kingdom that day, saying "Do you love me?"

After the war a few years later, Fear confessed to her during a celebratory party. Lotus finally cracked at these words, realising what she was really missing the whole time. They became mates, Lotus not caring if others whispered behind her back. She still works most time as a general, but otherwise she is with Fear, looking forward to the day their eggs hatch.

Wow, very nice! This is sweet, interesting, and original. I love that you took the time to build up on her relationship with the IceWing only to have him betray her. That's so evil, but a really good twist to the story. It's also good that she found love again after. The fact that she makes mistakes that have very serious consequences is great. Really, I like this. I can't think of anything that I'd change. She seems very well developed!

I don't really like to do this but... I give Lotus a 10/10! That's a first for this book! Of course there is always room for improvement, which is why I don't like to rate someone's oc without giving them at least a bit of advice. But.. I really like her. Just can't think of anything to add that would make her better.

And this calls for making the Hall of Fame, a part of this book where I'll put a quick shoutout to all of the OCs that are rated 10/10!

Edit: One thing you may want to consider is what they're going to do with their dragonets. MudWings aren't close to their parents at all. SkyWings might be, I don't remember. That's just something to keep in mind. I'm not going to change your rating or anything, I still adore this OC, I just feel guilty not giving you any advice XD so there

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