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Enter your original character or tribe here! Just fill out the form below.

Things to note:
• Remember to be descriptive! The more details, the better.
• Don't worry about length; if your form is too long to fit one comment, just reply to that comment with the rest of the form.
• please avoid the use of swear words and the word "kill" (say k*ll or k¡ll instead) or else wattpad will report your comment and I won't be able to copy & paste the comment.
• try not to leave out details, even if you "don't want to spoil your story" because it makes it difficult for me to rate an oc if I don't know what happens in their story.
• this is WINGS OF FIRE oc ratings. I will not accept any non-dragon OCs, or dragons that are not a part of the wings of Fire universe. (Only exception is scavengers and other animals in the Wings of Fire universe)

Name: (include any nicknames or the meaning of their name if they have one!)
Tribe: (for fantribes, consider entering a form for that tribe!)
Age: (I don't understand the whole "dragon years" thing..)
Sexuality: (OPTIONAL)
Residence: (where they live)
Rank/Occupation: (what they do)
Queen they support: (OPTIONAL)
Other important characters: (optional. Include friends, enemies, etc.)
Abilities: (OPTIONAL; include special abilities like animus, or their abilities if they're from an original tribe)
Appearance: (remember to include more than just scale colors! Height, body shape, markings, jewelry, etc. are all important!)
Personality: (feel free to include more than just personality traits, ex. Their fears, hobbies, opinions, etc.)
Backstory: (Please include when the story takes place)
Cause of death: (OPTIONAL)
Quote(s): (OPTIONAL)
Books they appear in: (canon or fanfiction, OPTIONAL)
Other: (OPTIONAL; anything else you might want to add)

Queen: (include short description)
Other important characters: (other royalty, main characters, historical figures etc.)
Average lifespan: (OPTIONAL)
Appearance: (Again, include more than just scale colors!)
Abilities: (Abilities all or most members of the tribe possess, ex. SkyWing fire breathing, RainWing venom, etc.)
Special abilities: Abilities only a few members possess, ex. Animus, firescales, etc.)
Kingdom: (include its name and a short description of its climate, geography, etc)
Society: (be detailed! Include how they raise dragonets, what their attitude towards hybrids/dragons with special powers/etc is, what their relationships are like, their relationship with other tribes, etc)
History: (where they came from, wars, etc.)

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