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Name: Swiftwings

Swiftwings is a canon name. She is Clearsight's mother in Darkstalker. However, she only appears once, so I'm not going to take points off for this, but I'm also not giving any points for originality or anything.

It is a cute name, though.

Gender: Male


Tribe: Nightwing

I never realized NightWings were so popular haha

Rank: Prince

Oh, cool.

Residence: Night Kingdom


Appearance: He is small for his age and his star scales on his wings curl inward from the edges. His eyes are light yellow and his underbelly is gray.

A pretty typical NightWing. Nothing really special about this, I like that his star scales curl inwards and the yellow eyes sound cool, but you could be more descriptive. Is he muscular, skinny, tall, short? What is his facial shape, body shape, etc? Does he wear any jewelry? (Yes, male dragons wear it too) I like to know this stuff, it makes him more interesting.

Personality: He is very unheard, as he doesn't like to talk to dragons other than his best friend Starchaser. He has been stuck in his sister's shadow for his entire life. It's, "Shadowsight, this, and Shadowsight, that, and he hates it.

I feel that it's like this for a lot of princes. They're royalty, but not as important as princesses. It's kinda sad. I think him being in his sister's shadow is a pretty interesting plot. I'd like to hear a bit more about any interests he has, dislikes, whatever. What I'm saying is, be descriptive. I don't care if it's long, btw.


Mother: Queen Darkshadow

Father: Nightseeker

Sister: Shadowsight

Mate: Starchaser

Dragonets: none

Very cool names. NightWing names are the coolest imo

When Swiftwings hatched, everyone knew he would be a disappointment. Not because he was smaller than normal dragonets, but because he was not another heir to the throne. He always took that as "dragonet abuse" but never confided in anyone about his thoughts. He had one friend, a dragonet named Starchaser. She was a boisterous, quite annoying little dragon, and they were complete opposites (think Starflight and Sunny). They bonded quickly, and immediately became inseparable. Then, Starchaser is kidnapped, presumably by RainWings, as RainWings have a huge grudge against NightWings. Swiftwings is confused beyond measures. As queen, his mother will certainly not let him go find her, and he has to choose between betraying all he's ever known (which has been pretty unfair most of the time anyway), or saving his best (and only) friend.
Obviously, he chooses saving his best friend. So our lovely protagonist is suddenly in the rainforest. Queen Rana , queen of the RainWings and daughter of Glory and Deathbringer, does NOT welcome NightWings into her rainforest.  So, naturally, Swiftwings is thrown into prison (yep, RainWings finally have a prison) with Starchaser. Their reunion is about as heartwarming as when Starflight meets Sunny after he was abducted by NightWings and finds his way back. Unfortunately, Queen Darkshadow guesses exactly where her son went, and rescues them.

I really like this plot! I can tell you're a fan of Starflight and Sunny lol. That's good, I adore Starflight. I really like this plot, it's good, but I have a few questions. Why does Queen Rana hate NightWings if she is half NightWing? Since when did RainWings have a grudge against Nightwings? Like yeah, they did those experiments, but they also both live in the Rainforest, and how did they go from having one queen to two?

Sorry, I ask a lot of questions.

7/10. I think the backstory makes up for the name being canon, it is interesting. I'm a bit confused by certain parts, but w/e. The personality and appearance could be more descriptive.

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