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This is a tide over for you guys until I finally finish those requests lol. They're almost done ^^

Anyway, this was kind of badly written and wasn't edited at all but it was fun :)

What would the wof girls get up to if they were humans and were Quarantined together? 

"Okay I got popcorn, Ice-cream sandwiches, mango popsicles, and gummy bears. Who wants what?"

Kinkajou grinned happily as the large group of girls sprawled across her room called out various orders.

"Popcorn and gummy bears!" Anemone looked up from straightening her pearl studded bracelet.

"Mango popsicle for me please," Tamarin requested softly.

"I'll have a mango popsicle too." Glory said.

"I'll have an Ice cream sandwich." Tsunami called from where she sat at Kinkajous vanity table as Sunny braided her hair.

"I'll have popcorn." Sunny said.

"I want everything!" Fatespeaker's eyes glimmered enthusiastically.

"Coming up! Moon, Peril, what do you guys want?" Kinkajou asked.

"Do you have any Beef jerky?" Peril asked. "I'm not a big fan of sweets."

"That's mega crazy but yes. Only for you gurl. And Moon?"

Moon looked up from her book and smiled. "I'll have whatever's left over."

Kinkajou rolled her eyes at her best friends selflessness and began to toss various treats at her guests.

"Okay now that we have yummies, it's time to get this Quarantine really started! Which movie should we watch? Glory, you brought the goods right?"

Glory grabbed her back pack. She unzipped it and dumped its contents out on the bed.

"What the heck Glory these are oldies!" Tsunami frowned at the movie case in her hand.

"For your information, these are some of the best movies ever made." Glory snapped.

"Let's watch this one!!!" Kinkajou held up one of the DVDs.

"No." Glory groaned. 

"Have you even seen it before?" Kinkajou whined.

"No but I don't have to. 'Pretty in Pink.' Seriously?"

"Pink is awesome!"

"Pink is horrifying."

"You only think that because it's the color of LUVVVVV," Kinkajou teased.

Finally the choice was between two.

Sixteen Candles or Four Weddings and a Funeral.

"Let's take a vote," Sunny suggested. "Who votes for Sixteen Candles?"

Moon, Glory, Fatespeaker, Kinkajou and Tamarin raised their hands.

"Okay and who votes for Four Weddings and a Funeral?" 

Peril and Tsunami glowered at the others.

Anemone looked torn. She glanced between her sister and her friend.

"Choose whichever you like Anemone, " Tamarin said with a smile. 

"It really doesn't matter anyway," Glory pointed out. "We won."

"Sixteen candles it is then." Sunny grinned.

"Jake Ryan is hot,"  Tsunami commented as the movie ended and the cast showed up on the screen.

"He's okay, I wouldn't say he's hot though." Anemone stretched her arms and yawned.

"Don't let Riptide hear you saying that Tsunami," Glory grinned, knowing full well the effect it would have over her friend.

Tsunami's face turned red and she glared at the triumphant girl a few feet away.

"Well at least I have a boyfriend." She snapped. "Unlike you and Mr. Friends with benefits."

Glory's cheeks blushed with a pale pink dusting and her eyes flashed.

"It's not like that. You don't know anything."

"I know more than you think I do."

"You wish-"

"Okay, okay guys stop it!" Kinkajou scolded. Then she grinned. "Ooo you guys just gave me the BEST idea! Moon pass me a piece of paper and a pen please,"

The girls exchanged looks.

"What are we doing?" Sunny asked.

Kinkajou smiled as she wrote down the word FLAME on the paper Moon handed her crosswise.

"This is a game I learned at Girl Scouts during camp Rainbow Unicorn Barf.  You write down the word Flame, like this. Each letter stands for something. Friends, Lovers, Affection, Marriage and Enemies. At the bottom of the page you write down two names of people who may or may not have feelings for each other. You cross out any letters the names share, and then count how many letters are left. After you get that number, you count the letters of FLAME going around and around until you reach that number, and whichever letter you land on will be what you two are at the moment, or will be in the future."

"I think I'm going to go to bed," Glory said warily.

"Me too." Tsunami agreed.

"Hell no! Glory come on!" Kinkajou whined.

Glory sighed and sat down. "Fine." She huffed.

"Are you chicken Tsunami?" Peril smirked.

Tsunami stiffened, and then she too sat back down on the floor.

"Excellent!" Kinkajou smiled. "Who should go first?"

Now no one was smiling.

"Come on guysssss!" 

"I'll do it." Tsunami volunteered, obviously still smarting from Perils remark on the similarity between her and a chicken.

"And may the odds, ever be in your favor," Glory mocked in a high, sing song voice.

"It's your turn after mine," the SeaWing hissed.

"We'll be pairing her with Riptide obviously," Kinkajou began to write.



"Now we cross out any letters those two names share,"




Glory began laughing. " Lol, we should call you guys Sunam and Rpde from now on."

"There are nine letters left. Let's see what we come up with!"

Everyone began counting.

"OMYGOD you got MARRIAGE!!!!" Kinkajou shrieked.

Anemone nudged her blushing older sister with a smile. "I get to be the flower maiden right?"

Tsunami looked away. "It's just a game," she said, then she turned to Glory, the embarrassed smile on her face replaced by one of triumph and eagerness.

"It's your turn Glory," she said.



Kinkajou was radiating happiness as she began crossing out letters.




Tsuanmi snorted. "Loy and Deathbine. Beautiful."

"It's better than Sunam and Rpde," came Glory's reply.

"Ya'll know what comes next!" Kinakjou beamed.


"I KNEW IT!" Sunny shrieked. "You guys are LOVERS!!!"

"We're not!" Glory protested.

"Oh stop pretending Glory, you know literally everyone who has met you and every one in the entire wof fandom knows you two have the hots for each other. Seriously, there's no point telling us you don't."

"Whatever," Glory grumbled. "It's Perils turn."

"What?" Peril cried. "Me?!"

"Everyone gets a turn, better just accept it."



Peri, Cay =7



"Oh my god really??? We are???" Peril asked.

"The FLAME never lies," Kinkajou pointed out sagely. "Who's next?"

And it went like . . . 



epeke, ligh = 9



"Calm down! Glory pass me a rope and some duct tape,"



eoe, Tri = 6


"Friends, for now," the two girls smiled at each other secretly.






"Stop it guys for all you know I'm not in love at all,"



Kinkajo, Trtle = 12


"Kinkajou take the pillow off your face we know you're blushing."

"Is she okay?"

"Uh . . ."

"Shit guys, I think she's going to-"


Finally it was down to one.

Moon twisted her fingers together nervously.

"Put her down with Winter." Glory requested.

"What about Qibli?" Tsuanmi asked. "I thought you guys were dating."

"We split up," Moon smiled. "It wasn't really working. We're still really good friends though."



i, Mooach = 7



Every single girl in the room was screaming (even Glory) with fangirl enthusiasm, but one.

Moon sat quietly, a red blush warming her pale cheeks.


She looked up at the ceiling.

Everyone says it's just a game but-

I wonder . . .

Please don't forget to vote :)

Love you all, stay safe and make sure to wash your hands and take Vitamin C. I saw this article about this one hospital who gave their Corona patients High doses of Vitamin C. Every single one recovered.

The post was taken down because it's not 'Conventional' medicine, but if you look into the History of VitC cures, it's incredable.

And my mother gives it to me whenever I'm sick. I hate to admit it but it's actually is amazing.

It's can be gross though, depending on which form you take it in. Be warned.

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