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Requested by: DraconixSorin


"Thanks for coming to lend a talon at the school today Glory" Tsunami said.

"Whatever. I needed a holiday anyway. Being Queen of two tribes is just as hard as I thought it would be."  Tsunami snorted. "Yeah well, we all knew I was the only one cut out to be a Queen. I mean look at me, what do you see?"

Glory raised an eye ridge.

"Something I hope never to see again" Tsunami growled at her. "What? What was I suposed to say?" asked Glory inocently. Tsunami just huffed and led the way to a class room.

"This is where you are gonna be standing in for Webs. I figure you know enough History to teach the little dev- er I mean-ANGLES. That's right. Those dragonets in there. Angles. Pure ANGLES"

Glory sighed and walked into the cave entrance, only turning back once to glare at Tsunami.

"They had better be"

(Timeskip 5 min later)

Glory stood on a raised platform. In front of her was a desk with various History scrolls. She stared at the sea of dragonets in front of her, and they stared back.

(Focuse Glory. This is just like making speeches to your tribes. No different.)

"I-er-um" Glory cleared her throat.

"Professor Webs is sick today so I am standing in for hi-"

"OMG YOUR THE RAINWING AND NIGHTWING QUEEN!" Yelled a dragonet suddenly.

"ER, yeah. Anyway... wanna tell me what you've been working on the past few days?" Suddenly. she felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked down to see a young mudwing and a sandwing. The sandwing held out a leaf with writing on it. 

"Webs said to give this to you." he said grinning.

"Oh?" Glory said. She took the leaf between her talons to read the messy writting.

It said:

Deer standinge in fore mee dregon. thus noot is tu sirtefi thet al tha dregonets dunt having too du skul tooda

yurs true profsfer webs


Dear standing in for me dragon. This note is to certify that all the dragonets don't having too do school today.

Yours true professor webs.

Glory stared at the leaf for a moment, than grinned

"Well I can see you apparently need to work on your spelling and grammer" She said. The dragonets cowered in fear. 

"How did she know?!"  The sandwing asked his companion. Glory cleared her throat again. A plan forming in her mind.

"But sinse you all so clearly don't want to have History today, I think I'll let you have the day off-"

Cheers erupted from all around the History cave. Glory raised a talon and they fell silent.

"I'm not finished yet. You may have the day off of History so you can come help principal Tsunami sort out her paper work and clean her office."

Dead silence. Then came mixed cries of-"WHAT?!?!?!?"  and "COME ONNNNN" and "YOU CAN"T DO THAT TO US!" and then of course a little-"#*^^?{}|\_+=-^#*" 

"Come now dragonets. You wanted a day off school and I'm giving you one. Now chop chop! About turn and get your lazy tails to Tsunami's office"

(Another time skip)

"I still can't figure out how you managed to get an entire class to come up here and clean my office" Tsunami said. Then turned towards a little rainwing and pointed to a stain on her floor

"Oi! You there with the orange ears! You missed a spot"she snapped, but was grinning.

"Honestly Glory, I think you need to come teach here more often"

A warm feeling began spreading from Glory's tail to her wing tips. She smiled at her best friend and Tsunami smiled back.

"Yunno, I think I just might"


Hope it was ok. If you like, give it a vote. If not... sorry😬 I did my best

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