Glorybringer medieval (p 2)

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"You are sure you are alright?"

"Glory. I'm fine. Honestly."

"Deathbringer you got a sword stuck through your chest less than a week ago, I have every right worry about you".

 Deathbringer sighed and turned to face the woman behind him. He took her hand in his own, gently.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Please. It ill becomes you." he smiled lightly as she frowned. 

"Alright, but if you start acting odd, I will cut in, you understand."

Deathbringer nodded, and Glory strode past him into her room, and stood in front of her wardrobe mirror. 

Deathbringer followed close behind and shut the door. 

Glory surveyed herself in her oval mirror, frowning with displeasure. Deathbringer couldn't see anything wrong with her reflection. 

Her Sandy blond hair fell in soft rivulets down her back, her emerald green eye's sparkled more brightly then the jewels themselves. 

Her pale skin was smooth like polished ivory, her green and black dress gathered tightly at the waist, with a seductively low cut neckline, and a long elegant train that trailed behind her.

She was perfect.

Glory tugged at the dress, struggling to free herself from her corset. 

"Where is a maid when you actually need one" She sighed, then said,

"Deathbringer, help me will you? I can't seem to get this ridiculous thing off." Deathbringer walked over to her obligingly, and Glory held her long hair out of the way.

He slid his long finger's into the tight knots of the garment, easing them open. Glory took a deep breath of relief as it came loose, her chest now free to fully expand and collect the air she had so lacked throughout the day.

She then turned around and let him undo the back of her dress.

"You make a good maid you know, perhaps I should hire you. You could dress and undress me every day then-" 

He saw the blush rise on her cheeks in her reflection as she realized what she had said.

"I'm very flattered majesty." Deathbringer joked gently to defuse the awkward situation. Glory smiled, laughing slightly.  

They were silent as he finished and Glory slid the dress off her shoulders, picking up her sleeping robe.

 Deathbringer trailed his hand thoughtfully along her sharp shoulder blades, memorizing the shape and grooves, the softness of he skin, wishing to implant it in his memory forever. 

He unclasped the jeweled necklace around her neck and clasped it in his hand. 

Glory turned around to face him and they starred at each other, lost in the thoughts of what they wanted too, but couldn't be, what they wanted to do, but couldn't, what they wanted to say, but were forbidden. 

Their few fleeting moment's of time alone were few, and had to be kept secret.

The sound of approaching feet snapped them out of the trance, and Deathbringer turned around so his eye's would not see what was forbidden to be seen, ashamed by his boldness.

It was improper for a man who was not the woman's husband to be in her room at night alone with her. It was forbidden for any man to see any woman without all her garments on if they were not married. And Glory was the heir to the Rainwing throne. Goodness knows how many rules he was braking just by brushing her hand with his own. 

And it was against the law for him to touch her, too tuck her hair behind her ear and press his head to her own. But he did, and he knew that for these few acts that he may one day die for them, but he did them anyway.

 Glory laced her slender arms around his neck in a tender embrace and as she drew away, her hand clasped his, her silent goodnight.

Many hours later, Deathbringer leaned against the window sill of his room, gazing up at the crescent moon above him.

The wind blew through his black hair and chilled the skin beneath his black shirt. He had never felt so alone.

Somewhere, above him in a luxurious room, Glory too was awake and unable to sleep. Somewhere so close she could gaze down from her window and see him, a dark silhouette.

He brushed his fingers over the delicate necklace he still held clasped in his hand, watching the green emerald glitter softly. 

Deathbringer started as a black bird fluttered into his arm. Tied to it's leg was a small slip of parchment.

He opened it.

Deathbringer. I know you know why we are forbidden, I know you think we nearly wen't to far today, but I don't, I know that one day what we wish to be shall be and all we wan't shall be ours. Though the day seem's far away it will come, I see it in the stars. 

One day soon when I rule, I promise you, this sadness will seem to be only a distant memory.

Deathbringer let a small smile tug at his lips as he lay alone on his bed.

Not for long. He thought. One day soon, I won't lie here alone, I'll have someone with me.

Somewhere far above him, A young woman smiled as her black bird flew back too her, carrying a small scrap of parchment. 

She lay down, letting the wind ruffle her hair, and fell asleep, his written words still clasped in her hands.

Then I shall wait for that day.

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