On the subject of pets (and grandmothers)

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Requested by Gypsy-Girl-727

"Mommy. Mom. MOMMMYYYY!"

Glory was in the middle of a very pleasant dream. She was surrounded by silence in a sunlit grove of trees, warmth flooding her bones, before she was brought abruptly back to earth by the shrill whining of her four year old daughter, Firefly.

"Mommmyyy I want to go see Riva."

Squinting at her watch Glory let out a small groan. "Firefly it's six thirty!"

"But I wanna go see Riva!"

Six year old Riva, daughter of Tsunami and Riptide. She and Firefly had bonded like their mothers never had.

"They won't even be awake yet," Glory said slumping back into her pillows.

"But Riva said she's getting a kitty. I wants a kitty too."

"No Firefly."

"G,G would get me a kitty," the girl pouted.

"No body's getting a cat with out talking to me first. I need more sleep okay? We'll talk about pets later."

"Mommy, it will be lunch time soon, I'm hungry and I'm bored. I wanna go see Riva and her kitty."

"Deathbringer," Glory nudged him beside her.  "Deathbringer go keep her entertained."

"I can't, I'm asleep," he told her.

"You're talking to me,"

"It's called sleep talking darling, look it up."

"Since when do you sleep talk?!"

"Since now."

Grumbling, Glory crawled out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

"Can I have some cake?"

"No!" Glory exclaimed.

"Can I have pancakes?"

Glory handed her daughter an apple. "Here, eat this to tide you over. If you're still hungry afterwards, you can eat more fruit. Now let me get back to sleep, and we can talk about getting a cat later okay? But only if you let me get back to sleep."


The beginnings of a head ache began to show signs of arising, sending stabbing pain through Glory's head. She glanced outside to see the beginnings of a rainstorm begin to fall.

Shivering, she walked back to the bedroom and crawled back inside the warmth of the covers.

"Thanks for the help," she muttered to the person beside her.

"You handled that just fine. No need for the both of us to get cold.,"

"Oh so you are awake," Glory said.

Deathbringer turned over to look at her. His black hair was tussled and his silvery blue eyes glittered with a mischievous light.

"I took care of her yesterday, today is your turn."

Glory raised an eyebrow. "I didn't realize we were taking turns."

He shrugged. "It's easier that way. Besides, I'm not going out in the rain to see Tsunami."

Glory sighed and hugged her arms around her knees. "Well I can understand that at any rate. What do you think the chances are of getting Grandeur to take Firefly today?"

Deathbringer thought for a moment. "If I ask her, zero, if you ask her, maybe."

"She's probably busy today, it's Saturday."

"Doing what?" Deathbringer scoffed.

"Whatever old people do on the weekend," Glory answered.

He trailed his fingers along her shoulder. "Well that's unfortunate, I have nothing to do today. We could both have used a day off,"

Glory thought for a moment. 

"Well . . ." she said slowly. "Perhaps if I asked her nicely . . ."

Three hours later . . .

Firefly tore through the house excitedly.

"Mom! Dad! I got to pet Riva's Kitty-you still haven't gotten up yet?!"

"Firefly! Ever heard of knocking?" Deathbringer laughed.

"It's almost night time! Why are you still in bed?"

"It's nine thirty AM," Glory informed her. "Did Grandeur leave?"

"Uh huh," Firefly beamed. "She told me to make sure you guys were keeping things PG, but she didn't tell me what that is, just to tell you that she told me to tell you that she told me to do that."

Her parents exchanged an exasperated look.

"So can we talk about a kitty now?"

Glory closed her eyes. "I don't think I could handle a kitten and a four year old right now,"

"But we have Silver!"

"Silver is a well behaved grown up cat," Glory said.

"Then can I get a puppy?"

"Definitely not."

Firefly frowned. "Can I get a snake?"

Glory shuddered. "No,"

"Snakes are cool," Deathbringer offered.

Glory glared at him. "You're not helping."

"A fish?"


"A bird?"


"A bear?"


"Ooo! What about a giraffe? or a lion? Zebras are cool too! I know! A shark! We can keep it in G,G's pool I can go over and feed it fishies!"

Deathbringer started laughing. "I would pay a lot of money to see what Grandeur would think of a shark in her pool,"

Glory fought to keep her mouth in a straight line and shook her head firmly.

"No sharks, no lions, no giraffes, no predators."

"Fine, can I get a dragon then?" Firefly crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh I definitely vote for the dragon," Deathbringer grinned.

"We could keep it in the basement and feed it all the mean kids at school!" Firefly agreed enthusiastically. "Then they wouldn't be mean any more!"

"She has a point,"

"No. No ones getting a dragon, honestly Firefly! Deathbringer, back me up here!" 

"But how cool would it be to have a dragon in the basement? We could lure Grandeur down there and then we wouldn't have to worry about her sneaking in here and killing me," he teased.

Glory rolled her eyes and punched him gently on the shoulder. "We are not feeding my Grandmother to a dragon."

"Come on it would take care of all our problems,"

"And where do you suggest we get this dragon?" Glory asked.

"You're the Queen, order someone to find one."

"You know, sometimes I can't tell if you're joking, or if you're just an idiot."

"Well either way it doesn't effect how completely incredibly handsome I am."

"So, can I get a kitty then?"

Deathbringer grinned. "You have to admit, compared to a dragon, a kitten is nothing."

Glory let out a breath.

"We'll think about it Firefly."

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