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So so so sorry that this took so long! My life has been and is still crazy hectic so I didn't have much time

"Hey Starflight" Starflight's ears perked up at the sound of Sunny's voice.

"Hey Sunny" he said.

"Uh . . . need any help?" she asked. Starflight was busy tidying up the library. Even though he was now blind, he could still tell where everything went.

"Um . . . sure, aren't you busy though? Surely you have something better you'd rather be doing-"

"No no, I want to help. The library is the most peaceful place in Jade mountain. I love the students but sometimes the endless noise is a little to much for me."

"I get it" Starflight assured her.

"I've never really been a big fan of noise either."

After a few moments, Sunny tapped him on the shoulder and placed something in his talons.

"Here, I'd better go, sorry!"

She left.

Starflight held the scroll carefully in his talons, confused. It felt unfamiliar.

He opened it trying to find the small stand out writing that would tell him where it belonged. 

There, I found it. He thought.

Wait . . .

Dear Starflight.

He frowned. Was this a joke?

This is . . . gosh it's really over due, so I get it if you don't feel the same any more. (See what I did there? Over due, cause this is a library? Like . . . over due scroll?)

Any way . . . I don't really know how to do any of this, but I've got too, so here goes.

Remember that day when you told me you loved me?

It was the day you could have  gained it all, but you lost it all.

I look back and remember the thoughts that went through my mind when you told me. No, not thoughts, feelings.

Shocked, because I didn't expect it.

Confused, because how could anyone feel that way about me?

Afraid because I didn't know what to say.

For a long time the lines between the bonds of friendship and the bonds of love were to blurry for me to discern.

For a while I was convinced that I felt nothing but friendship towards you. But now, I can see it, when I look back, I was happy.

I was happy when you said you loved me.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is . . . I take back what I said  before. I do love you Starflight.

Love Sunny

Starflight let the scroll roll back up, shock plastered across his face.

Surely, this was just some cruel joke.

No way was this possible.

"Am I . . . too late?"

Starflight smiled as he felt the heat radiating from Sunny's scales. 

"No, no it's not too late"

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